There is no truth except Shia Islam, Ali is Leader of Shias.
In 621, God told Angel Gabriel and Angel Michael to be like Ali,
In 2002, United Nations told the world to be like Ali.
Ali is truly a World Hero. He is Authority from God.
Women of Islam
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Women of Islam
Do you think a woman can be sinless? Most people don't think so. Only Islam gives this honour to women. Who else besides Islam believes in perfection of women? The position of women is very high in Islam. This fact is not known in the west. There is lot of false propaganda against women in TV and newspapers. Islam is a religion of peace and it honours women. There is even a Woman's Day dedicated as a public holiday. The west pretends to give women rights, yet they don't have a single holiday for any woman. Instead they have special day for banks. West loves a bank more than any woman. They value banks higher than women. Maybe the west does not have a woman worth honouring with a special day.
Anyway, muslims have a special woman's day celebration. We have a national holiday for ladies, dedicated to honouring womanhood. It is to honour the rights of females. Islamic countries such as Iran dedicate a day to the high status of women, particularly Fatima, the greatest woman on earth. She is the most perfect lady world has ever known. The daughter of God's holy messenger is the noblest woman in the universe. She is the most beloved person to God and His messenger. He said he loved his daughter above all others. She is so holy that God made her leader of women in this world and the next. She is higher than the virgin Mary, mother of Jesus. We believer that Mary was pure and sinless like Jesus. Mary was the purest soul whom God selected to bear one of His messengers. Even this holy mother of Jesus is not greater than the noble Fatima.
We all know the Prophet Muhammad was sinless. But not many people know that Islam's noblest lady, Fatima, is also sinless. She is also holy. She never committed any wrong in her life. People loved her affection, her piety, her knowledge, and her virtues. Her descendents became the perfect leaders of humanity. God gave her the status of infallibility in His own holy book the Koran. She is superior to all women. She is most righteous and noble in character. Her happiness is God's happiness and her anger is God's anger. She is the wife of first Imam and mother of the eleven holy Imams.
Fatima is the greatest woman who ever walked this earth. She is the real First Lady. God made her perfect. We honour and respect her. The holy lady is infallible which means she cannot commit a sin or make a mistake. Her status highest in the eyes of God. God created her before He created the Universe. He made five Pure Lights: Fatima, her father, her husband, her two sons. These five are known as the five sinless beings, the Panj Tan Pak. She is central to all these. Muhammad was her father, Ali her husband, Hasan and Husayn her sons. This is the celestial family of Light. There is no other home like hers. Her husband was selected by God. God arranged marriage in the heavens above. God had decided that only a sinless and pure man will be her husband. Ali was the only man good enough for the sinless lady.
God had already made Ali the Master of the Universe. Even at the age of ten Ali recognized God and His Divine messenger. Ali vowed to support and protect God's religion. God ordred His messenger to make Ali his executive and successor to be the leader of the pious. This was Ali who was born inside the Sacred House of God in Mecca. Many people are unaware of the sacred mystery of the blessed House. Ali's birth place is visited by millions of pilgrims from all over the world. People worship God of Kaba. They circle the House where Ali was born. This was Ali whom God gave to Zahra. Others had proposed to marry her. But God rejected them all. Only a sinless soul would be the husband of the sinless Lady. Mother of Jesus did not marry because there was no one pure enough for her. Zahra too would have remained unmarried if Ali was not there. Their marriage was decided in the seven heavens by the Creator Himself. He blessed them and granted them two sons, who will be leaders of men in Paradise.
What a wonderful place to be in for any woman. Fatima the mother, leader of pious women. Her sons the leaders of righteous men. Husband, Ali the Master of the Universe, Lion of God and Guide of all true believers. Her father, Muhammad the holy messenger of God, sent as a mercy to the truth seekers in the universe. That is Fatima, the Radiant, the sinless, the purest, the greatest lady world had ever seen. Yet despite this she was oppressed and died in grief at age 25. God shall see to her persecutors. God bless Muhammad and his Descendents. Peace, honour and salutations of all creation be upon them. God be praised for creating such a noble woman. There is no God other than Allah. Creator all things.
For more information, email: saklayn@yahoo.com
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Women of Islam
Do you think a woman can be sinless? Most people don't think so. Only Islam gives this honour to women. Who else besides Islam believes in perfection of women? The position of women is very high in Islam. This fact is not known in the west. There is lot of false propaganda against women in TV and newspapers. Islam is a religion of peace and it honours women. There is even a Woman's Day dedicated as a public holiday. The west pretends to give women rights, yet they don't have a single holiday for any woman. Instead they have special day for banks. West loves a bank more than any woman. They value banks higher than women. Maybe the west does not have a woman worth honouring with a special day.
Anyway, muslims have a special woman's day celebration. We have a national holiday for ladies, dedicated to honouring womanhood. It is to honour the rights of females. Islamic countries such as Iran dedicate a day to the high status of women, particularly Fatima, the greatest woman on earth. She is the most perfect lady world has ever known. The daughter of God's holy messenger is the noblest woman in the universe. She is the most beloved person to God and His messenger. He said he loved his daughter above all others. She is so holy that God made her leader of women in this world and the next. She is higher than the virgin Mary, mother of Jesus. We believer that Mary was pure and sinless like Jesus. Mary was the purest soul whom God selected to bear one of His messengers. Even this holy mother of Jesus is not greater than the noble Fatima.
We all know the Prophet Muhammad was sinless. But not many people know that Islam's noblest lady, Fatima, is also sinless. She is also holy. She never committed any wrong in her life. People loved her affection, her piety, her knowledge, and her virtues. Her descendents became the perfect leaders of humanity. God gave her the status of infallibility in His own holy book the Koran. She is superior to all women. She is most righteous and noble in character. Her happiness is God's happiness and her anger is God's anger. She is the wife of first Imam and mother of the eleven holy Imams.
Fatima is the greatest woman who ever walked this earth. She is the real First Lady. God made her perfect. We honour and respect her. The holy lady is infallible which means she cannot commit a sin or make a mistake. Her status highest in the eyes of God. God created her before He created the Universe. He made five Pure Lights: Fatima, her father, her husband, her two sons. These five are known as the five sinless beings, the Panj Tan Pak. She is central to all these. Muhammad was her father, Ali her husband, Hasan and Husayn her sons. This is the celestial family of Light. There is no other home like hers. Her husband was selected by God. God arranged marriage in the heavens above. God had decided that only a sinless and pure man will be her husband. Ali was the only man good enough for the sinless lady.
God had already made Ali the Master of the Universe. Even at the age of ten Ali recognized God and His Divine messenger. Ali vowed to support and protect God's religion. God ordred His messenger to make Ali his executive and successor to be the leader of the pious. This was Ali who was born inside the Sacred House of God in Mecca. Many people are unaware of the sacred mystery of the blessed House. Ali's birth place is visited by millions of pilgrims from all over the world. People worship God of Kaba. They circle the House where Ali was born. This was Ali whom God gave to Zahra. Others had proposed to marry her. But God rejected them all. Only a sinless soul would be the husband of the sinless Lady. Mother of Jesus did not marry because there was no one pure enough for her. Zahra too would have remained unmarried if Ali was not there. Their marriage was decided in the seven heavens by the Creator Himself. He blessed them and granted them two sons, who will be leaders of men in Paradise.
What a wonderful place to be in for any woman. Fatima the mother, leader of pious women. Her sons the leaders of righteous men. Husband, Ali the Master of the Universe, Lion of God and Guide of all true believers. Her father, Muhammad the holy messenger of God, sent as a mercy to the truth seekers in the universe. That is Fatima, the Radiant, the sinless, the purest, the greatest lady world had ever seen. Yet despite this she was oppressed and died in grief at age 25. God shall see to her persecutors. God bless Muhammad and his Descendents. Peace, honour and salutations of all creation be upon them. God be praised for creating such a noble woman. There is no God other than Allah. Creator all things.
For more information, email: saklayn@yahoo.com
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Master of Angels
Master of the Angels
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With the Name of Most High the Kind and Merciful.
Vala is power that the Creator gives to His loyal friends. It is the power of the Light over Darkness. It is given to Peacemakers of the Throne. This is the story of one righteous family that was chosen for the Power of Light on the Night of Power. Light seekers with hearts can feel the force. Though the purest things remain hidden, still many a wonderful revelation gets written. Their cool reason sees things supreme. Yet for heedless the beauty veiled remains unseen.
First came Nabi who was chosen of God as His last Envoy to mankind. He was born in Maka in 570. He taught people that false idols are not your creators. There is only one true God. He gave them morals and high standards of life. He encouraged love and respect for one another. He said this life is a test and after it will come a day of judgement when all humans will stand before God. God will hold people to account for their actions. The pious and the evil will be given their due recompence.
The Makans did not like this teaching. They opposed Nabi and drove him out of the city. Only a few men and women believed in him and accepted his message. Persecuted for telling the truth, Nabi abandoned his hometown and migrated to north to Medina. This migration is the hijrat. It marks the start of the new calendar.
In Medina, Nabi converted people to the Way of Peace. They loved his message. They made him their Divine Ruler. Makans tied to destroy him and his religion. They launched major attacks on Medina.
God sent mighty Angels to aid his Envoy. Angel Gabriel and Angel Michael came from heaven and help Nabi and his followers. Nabi successfully defended Medina by winning all four battles. Enemies were defeated. They surrendered and Nabi conquered Maka. He forgave them all. Nabi asked his successor Ali to purify the House of God. In it Makans had stored their 360 idols and false deities one for each day of the year. Nabi circled the Holy House and taught all the tribes worship of God. He went back to Medina and died two months later. He was poisoned. Ali was his successor and inheritor of the Divine Book. But Ali was rejected. Makans conspired and chose their own men to rule over them. Ali did not fight them and remained patient and peaceful.
God loved Ali’s wisdom and nobility. During the life of Nabi, Ali was in danger many times. But God always protected his beloved. At one time, when holy Nabi was worried for Ali, he sent Gabriel back to heaven three times to seek Kaza to intervene and provide divine safety to him. Even before during the historic night of hijrat Ali placed himself in danger to protect God’s Envoy. In that night God dispatched two Angels, Master Gabriel and Master Michael across the seven galaxies to be with their Master and to guard him. Holy Gabriel is a mighty Angel of the Lord. Made of light, a true Master. He is the trustworthiest messenger of God in heaven. He bears God’s message and brings it down to those men on Earth who are chosen by God. He is the Holy Spirit and blessed of God. Gabriel served Master Nabi Mohamed. Whenever Nabi called for him, he came.
In night of hijrat Gabriel protected Ali in the year 622. Makans hated Nabi, giving him endless troubles. When enemies of God plotted to kill Nabi, he turned to Ali. At the fateful hour, God told Nabi to leave his city. On that night of destiny, Nabi asked Ali for help. Ali was told to sleep on Nabi’s bed to confuse the assassins. Not caring for his own life, Ali agreed happily. As long as God’s messenger lived, it mattered not that his own life ended. He preferred Nabi’s life to his own life. He would take Nabi’s cloak nnd sleep on his master’s bed. The assassins would wait and see Nabi trying to sleep on the bed. Angels were on the edge of their seat watching on big screen all this drama going on Earth. God said to Angels around the Throne, ‘Which of you would give his years of life to the other.’ Each angel preferred his own life. God said, ‘There is the man who decided to sell his life in exchange for my beloved Nabi.’ God showed the Angels around the Mighty Throne what Ali and Nabi were saying. God said to the Angels, ‘There are two brothers Ali and Mohamed. Ali is getting ready to die for his brother.’ The Angels were seeing murders making their way to Nabi’s house. Ali was bidding farewell to his master and wished his master well. He was getting ready to sacrifice his life for his brother and master Mohamed. Almighty God said to Gabriel and Michael, ‘Go down on Earth both of you and protect Ali against any harm.’
The Angels knew that they had one watch to reach Solar System and save Ali. They asked Almighty Lord for Soltan so that they can move at one radian. There was no other way they could to get from the edge of the Cosmos to Maka in less than a watch. The Mighest Lord could have stopped the killers immediately. By the might of His knowledge He knew earlier what the killers would do. But that is not how things are done up there. Premptive attack is an act of the scared. Almighty is not weak. He cares. He is not careful. When decisions are made, then the decisions are made. As soon as Gabrial and Micheal received Soltan, the both angels flew across the seven galaxies at speeds unimaginable. They travelled passed the Forbidden Zones, and the Immense Voids like Kaprikonus. They crossed the great Coma and Slon Walls. They flew passed fifty thousand blue and green earths and civilisations. They went into the Leyman forest and then past the Terrible Attractor. Along the way, they picked up some dark matter. They broke the light barrier many folds as they travelled and crossed the heavens heading towards earth.
Hijrat night was a night of grave danger. God’s enemies lurked in the night. They waited for the night to get darker. Ali prepared to give up his soul for his master. Ali risked his life for Nabi in order to allow him to escape the swords of the killers. Nabi said to Ali, ‘O Ali, there is great danger this night.’ Ali asked, ‘If I sleep would you be safe my master.’ Nabi said, ‘O Ali, this night is grave.’ Ali said to Nabi, ‘O Master, would your life be spared if I die.’ Nabi replied, ‘Yes, O Ali, when you lie on my bed I will live. I will be alright when you stay tonight.’ That was all that mattered to the faithful young boy. Ali put his life in danger so that his brother lives. He bade Godspeed to his master. Ali hugged Nabi. The sacred lips of Nabi toughed Ali. He then left the house without being noticed. The killers were waiting for him to sleep. This night Ali saved Nabi. Ali used his master’s chader and lay quietly on the bed. Ali was asleep under his brother’s cloak. Nabi went out of the city and into the night desert. He looked back towards his house. There lay his Ali in shadows of assassins’ swords which were unsheathed and prepared to strike the sleeping Nabi. Nabi wept tears of love. He looked at the night sky asked the God for Ali’s safety. Nabi then headed for Koba. A short time later, he saw the two Angels land on the Mountain on Light. They resized and went into the house of Nabi Mohamed. They covered the vision of assassins with dark dust. The destination of the two Angels was the bed. There lay the desire of their Lord Most Supreme. At Ali’s feet stood Master Michael, and Master Gabriel stood guard near Ali’s head. They praised God in fourth and fifth highest known praises. They glorified God for His Love for young Ali on this night and they sent greeting and blessings on Ali. They said, ‘Wow Ali wow, who can ever be like you. God in Heaven is proud of you and He is marvelling your self-sacrifice before the Angels.’
Both mighty Angels sang the praises of Ali and guarded him all night. On that night God was so happy with Ali that He granted him Divine Wish, the Vala, a gift of love most pure and perfect. This divine decree is the Valaya or guardianship by which the chosen one becomes God’s ruler over the creation. Vala is the divine right trusted to the desired. They keys to the Universe were given to Ali, blessed be he. Ali became the first of Twelve Guardians of Justice appointed by God as Imams, the Leaders for humanity. Their holy names are Ali, Al Hasan, Al Husayn, Al Sajaad, Al Baqir, Al Sadiq, Al Kazim, Al Reza, Al Taqi, Al Naqi, Al Askari, and Al Mahdi. In heavens, all the Angels of the Lord say, ‘God bless Mohamed and his descendents’. Peace be upon Gabriel and Michael.
The Divine Rule and Guardianship, or Valaya was by the Will of God Almighty. It began at Ghadir when God ordered His Nabi to anoint Ali as the first Leader of Justice, the Imam. It was Gabriel who came down from the heavens to tell Nabi that God said it was time to designate Ali the master of the universe. This appointment was to bring balance to the Force of Believers. That day destroyed the hopes of people of the dark side. The year was 632.
God’s Messenger Mohamed left Medina to perform Haj. Except for Valaya, he had already announced God’s commandments to the people. Then Angel Gabriel came down and said:
‘O Mohamed, God sends peace on you, and says: “I have never taken the soul of any messenger until I have completed the Path and established My Proof. Two things still remain which you need to show to the people, the need to do Haj, and the need to recognise Valaya of your successor. I have never left My Earth empty of a Proof; nor will I ever leave it empty. Go, therefore, on Haj with the Bedouins. Show them how to do Haj like you taught them other things”.’
Nabi told his caller and he announced to the people to prepare for the journey to Haj. Over seventy thousand people gathered; the same number as those who went with Musa and accepted Haroon with a pledge. But later they broke their promise and followed Samri and made themselves a cow for worship. Similarly, Nabi took pledge for Ali from the people. But these too broke it later, and followed a Cow and a Samri of their time. They were just like the people who rejected Musa.
Nabi Mohamed performed all the rituals of Haj. At Mina, the Angel Gabriel came down and said:
‘O Mohamed, your Lord sends greeting to you and says: “Time has come for you to come to Me. Therefore, make your last will earlier. Pass your weapon and all the knowledge to your executive and successor, Ali son of Abu Talib, who is My greatest Proof for My creation, and My Logic against them. To him is My Peace. Raise him high as a guiding standard before the people. Remind them of obeying him, and again take the oath from them about My Ambassador, Ali son of Abu Talib, the Master of all believers, men and women. I have never taken the soul of any prophet until I have perfected My Path and completed My favour by establishing Obedience to My Friends and Wrath on My Enemies. Following Ali is the height of My Towheed, the belief in my Path, and completion of My Blessing on My creation. Whoever obeys him has obeyed Me. Whoever denies Ali and accepts the rule of any other person is a Mushrik, a Kafir [an idolator, an infidel]. I will give Hell to those who dislike him and I will give Paradise to those who accept him. Therefore, raise him as a standard because soon I will take you to Myself ”.’
Nabi Mohamed was concerned about the enemies of Ali and their plots, that they would lead many people back to the days of ignorance. Therefore, Nabi asked Gabriel to go back to God and seek guarantee and protection against evil the conspirators. Nabi waited until Gabriel obtained the promise of security from God. Gabriel went and returned, but without God’s promise of protection. Nabi again sent Gabriel back saying, ‘O Gabriel I am worried for Ali. Evil people will not accept him and harm him’. [Gabriel went back to God to ask for what Nabi wished for Ali.]
[In the mean time] Nabi left Maka and headed for Medina. He reached the place Ghadir Khum at ten in the morning. Here Gabriel descended from the heavens and said:
‘O Mohamed, the Almighty God sends His greetings to you, and says: “O Messenger, deliver what your Lord has given to you – about Ali – and if you cannot then you would not have proclaimed His message; and [do not worry] God will protect you against those people”.’
Nabi now called on all the pilgrims to gather together for a sermon. He ordered that a temporary pulpit be constructed for him. Nabi climbed on to the pulpit and stood to deliver the sermon. He said:
"Praise is to God, who is exalted in His unity, near in His uniqueness, sublime in His power, great in His dominance, and knower of all things... There is no other god except Him. Indeed Gabriel came down three times to give me order that I stand in this place and reveal to everyone, black and white, that Ali son of Abu Talib is my brother, my excutive and my successor, and the Imam after me. Next to God and Mohamed, he is your guardian. Know that God has designated him guardian and leader for you. Choose him because God has chosen him, and turn to him, because God has appointed him. He is the Imam from God. O mankind, take Ali, because after I am gone, he is the best person in the world. I am leaving behind for you two important things, the holy book of God, and my pure family. If you hold fast to these two precious things, then you will never go astray. I will be asked about them and you will be asked. I remind you of God regarding my family. I remind you of God regarding my family. I remind you of God regarding my family. Therefore, see how you treat them. These two great things will remain together; and they will never separate from each other till they meet me at the Fountain in Heaven. After me there will be leaders who will take people to the fire. On the day of judgement no one will help them. God and I are both clear of them; they will be in the lowest depths of hell. So too will be their supporters, and their followers. Evil indeed is the home of the arrogant. Some people will usurp and replace it with their own kingdom. May God curse the usurpers who dispossess. Indeed your guardian is God Almighty; and your guardian is Mohamed who is now addressing you; and then, after me, by the command of God your Lord, your guardian and leader is Ali. There is no knowledge except what I taught Ali. He is Imam al Mobeen. God Almighty has more right over my life than I do myself; and I have more right over the lives of believers than they have themselves. And I am master of those whose take Ali as their master. I am their master to whom master is Ali. O God, love those who love him and be an enemy to those who hate him; help those who help him; and leave those who leave him! I have now delivered God’s message to you. I have made you hear. O Lord! I ask you to bear witness that I have announced it. [Pause]. God has just sent down to me this message: ‘This day I have perfected your religion for you, and completed My Blessing on you, and chosen Peace as your Way.' O mankind, the honourable and majestic God has perfected your religion through Ali’s leadership. So, now those of you who does not follow him and the Imams of my lineage, till Judgement Day when deeds are shown are presented to God the honourable and majestic, they are the ones whose deeds shall become fruitless and vain, and they shall live in fire forever. This is Ali, my brother, and executor, and the vessel of my knowledge, and my successor. He is the Captain of the Believers, the Imam of Guidance. Your Nabi is the best Nabi and your Wasi is the best Wasi. I am the warner and Ali is the guide. I am the Nabi and Ali is the Wasi. The last of the Imams will be the awaited Mehdi the Messiah. He will restore God’s Kindgom on Earth and all of our rights. On behalf of the Almighty God, I ask you now to swear the oath of allegiance to Ali. So, fear God and give your pledge of loyalty to Ali, Ameer Al Momineen, and God’s blessings is upon him and on Hasan and Husayn, and to the Imams after them. God will destroy the treacherous, and He will show mercy to the loyal. Say what I have said, and greet Ali as the Captain of the Believers, and say, ‘we hear and we obey, forgive us O Lord, to You is our return’. And say: 'Praise be to God who has guided us to this; because without guidance from God we would never have been guided.’ O mankind, whoever obeys God and His messenger and Ali and the Imams will attain a great victory. O Lord! Forgive the believers, and send Your wrath upon the disbelievers; and Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds."
This is part of the speech of Nabi at Ghadir. Ancients books record a very long three hours sermon. The Holy Family of Nabi celebrated the day of Ghadir as a Divine Blessing on them and on the entire Creation.
The fifth Imam said, “God’s Way [religion] is based on five things: God’s Way [religion] is based on five things: Prayer, Charity, Fasting, Pilgrimage, and Valaya. Nothing was commanded like Valaya was commanded. But people accepted first four and left the Valaya.”
The eighth Imam said, “Example of believers in accepting Valaya of [Ali] the Leader of the Believers on the day of Ghadir is like that of Angels in bowing to Adam; and, the example of disbelievers who left Valaya of the Leader of Believers [Ali] on day of Ghadir is like that of [Satan] Eblees.”
Holy Lady al Zahra said, “After Ghadir, God has left no argument for anyone.”
Her father Master Mohammed said, “Transmitting the Ghadir sermon is the greatest act of Amr bil Maruf [calling people towards good].”
Nabi Mohamed also said, “Day of Ghadir Khumm is the greatest Celebration Festival of believers. It was the day God Almighty ordered me to designate His Zikr, my brother, Ali son of Abu Talib as the standard of believers. Through him they will be guided after me. It was the day God perfected the true Religion and completed His blessing on believers. He is happy that Submission to God be their Way.”
The sixth Imam said, “Fasting on day of Ghadir is greater in value than fasting for the entire age of the world. It is the greatest celebration of God. God has not appointed any Nabi but to celebrate this day as Joy. They are all aware of its holiness. In heavens it is known as the Day of the Covenant. You might think that the honourable and majestic God may have created a day more holy than this. Never. By God. Never. By God. Never. By God.”
The eighth Imam said, “Truly the day of Ghadir is more popular in Heavens than it is on Earth. By God, if mankind really knew the value and greatness of this day, the Angels would come and shake hands with them ten times a day.”
Historians also record that Master Mohamed said Ali is Mowla of all pious people, 'If I am your master than take Ali as your master; O Lord, love those who love Ali and hate those who hate Ali, help those who help Ali and leave those who abandon Ali, and turn the truth to where Ali turns.'
After the sermon of Ghadir, the Angel Gabriel flew back to the heavens very happy and praising Ali, his master. There was a big party thrown across the Cosmos in celebration of Valaya of Ali.
By S. Saclain
Manchester, UK
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Master of the Angels
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With the Name of Most High the Kind and Merciful.
Vala is power that the Creator gives to His loyal friends. It is the power of the Light over Darkness. It is given to Peacemakers of the Throne. This is the story of one righteous family that was chosen for the Power of Light on the Night of Power. Light seekers with hearts can feel the force. Though the purest things remain hidden, still many a wonderful revelation gets written. Their cool reason sees things supreme. Yet for heedless the beauty veiled remains unseen.
First came Nabi who was chosen of God as His last Envoy to mankind. He was born in Maka in 570. He taught people that false idols are not your creators. There is only one true God. He gave them morals and high standards of life. He encouraged love and respect for one another. He said this life is a test and after it will come a day of judgement when all humans will stand before God. God will hold people to account for their actions. The pious and the evil will be given their due recompence.
The Makans did not like this teaching. They opposed Nabi and drove him out of the city. Only a few men and women believed in him and accepted his message. Persecuted for telling the truth, Nabi abandoned his hometown and migrated to north to Medina. This migration is the hijrat. It marks the start of the new calendar.
In Medina, Nabi converted people to the Way of Peace. They loved his message. They made him their Divine Ruler. Makans tied to destroy him and his religion. They launched major attacks on Medina.
God sent mighty Angels to aid his Envoy. Angel Gabriel and Angel Michael came from heaven and help Nabi and his followers. Nabi successfully defended Medina by winning all four battles. Enemies were defeated. They surrendered and Nabi conquered Maka. He forgave them all. Nabi asked his successor Ali to purify the House of God. In it Makans had stored their 360 idols and false deities one for each day of the year. Nabi circled the Holy House and taught all the tribes worship of God. He went back to Medina and died two months later. He was poisoned. Ali was his successor and inheritor of the Divine Book. But Ali was rejected. Makans conspired and chose their own men to rule over them. Ali did not fight them and remained patient and peaceful.
God loved Ali’s wisdom and nobility. During the life of Nabi, Ali was in danger many times. But God always protected his beloved. At one time, when holy Nabi was worried for Ali, he sent Gabriel back to heaven three times to seek Kaza to intervene and provide divine safety to him. Even before during the historic night of hijrat Ali placed himself in danger to protect God’s Envoy. In that night God dispatched two Angels, Master Gabriel and Master Michael across the seven galaxies to be with their Master and to guard him. Holy Gabriel is a mighty Angel of the Lord. Made of light, a true Master. He is the trustworthiest messenger of God in heaven. He bears God’s message and brings it down to those men on Earth who are chosen by God. He is the Holy Spirit and blessed of God. Gabriel served Master Nabi Mohamed. Whenever Nabi called for him, he came.
In night of hijrat Gabriel protected Ali in the year 622. Makans hated Nabi, giving him endless troubles. When enemies of God plotted to kill Nabi, he turned to Ali. At the fateful hour, God told Nabi to leave his city. On that night of destiny, Nabi asked Ali for help. Ali was told to sleep on Nabi’s bed to confuse the assassins. Not caring for his own life, Ali agreed happily. As long as God’s messenger lived, it mattered not that his own life ended. He preferred Nabi’s life to his own life. He would take Nabi’s cloak nnd sleep on his master’s bed. The assassins would wait and see Nabi trying to sleep on the bed. Angels were on the edge of their seat watching on big screen all this drama going on Earth. God said to Angels around the Throne, ‘Which of you would give his years of life to the other.’ Each angel preferred his own life. God said, ‘There is the man who decided to sell his life in exchange for my beloved Nabi.’ God showed the Angels around the Mighty Throne what Ali and Nabi were saying. God said to the Angels, ‘There are two brothers Ali and Mohamed. Ali is getting ready to die for his brother.’ The Angels were seeing murders making their way to Nabi’s house. Ali was bidding farewell to his master and wished his master well. He was getting ready to sacrifice his life for his brother and master Mohamed. Almighty God said to Gabriel and Michael, ‘Go down on Earth both of you and protect Ali against any harm.’
The Angels knew that they had one watch to reach Solar System and save Ali. They asked Almighty Lord for Soltan so that they can move at one radian. There was no other way they could to get from the edge of the Cosmos to Maka in less than a watch. The Mighest Lord could have stopped the killers immediately. By the might of His knowledge He knew earlier what the killers would do. But that is not how things are done up there. Premptive attack is an act of the scared. Almighty is not weak. He cares. He is not careful. When decisions are made, then the decisions are made. As soon as Gabrial and Micheal received Soltan, the both angels flew across the seven galaxies at speeds unimaginable. They travelled passed the Forbidden Zones, and the Immense Voids like Kaprikonus. They crossed the great Coma and Slon Walls. They flew passed fifty thousand blue and green earths and civilisations. They went into the Leyman forest and then past the Terrible Attractor. Along the way, they picked up some dark matter. They broke the light barrier many folds as they travelled and crossed the heavens heading towards earth.
Hijrat night was a night of grave danger. God’s enemies lurked in the night. They waited for the night to get darker. Ali prepared to give up his soul for his master. Ali risked his life for Nabi in order to allow him to escape the swords of the killers. Nabi said to Ali, ‘O Ali, there is great danger this night.’ Ali asked, ‘If I sleep would you be safe my master.’ Nabi said, ‘O Ali, this night is grave.’ Ali said to Nabi, ‘O Master, would your life be spared if I die.’ Nabi replied, ‘Yes, O Ali, when you lie on my bed I will live. I will be alright when you stay tonight.’ That was all that mattered to the faithful young boy. Ali put his life in danger so that his brother lives. He bade Godspeed to his master. Ali hugged Nabi. The sacred lips of Nabi toughed Ali. He then left the house without being noticed. The killers were waiting for him to sleep. This night Ali saved Nabi. Ali used his master’s chader and lay quietly on the bed. Ali was asleep under his brother’s cloak. Nabi went out of the city and into the night desert. He looked back towards his house. There lay his Ali in shadows of assassins’ swords which were unsheathed and prepared to strike the sleeping Nabi. Nabi wept tears of love. He looked at the night sky asked the God for Ali’s safety. Nabi then headed for Koba. A short time later, he saw the two Angels land on the Mountain on Light. They resized and went into the house of Nabi Mohamed. They covered the vision of assassins with dark dust. The destination of the two Angels was the bed. There lay the desire of their Lord Most Supreme. At Ali’s feet stood Master Michael, and Master Gabriel stood guard near Ali’s head. They praised God in fourth and fifth highest known praises. They glorified God for His Love for young Ali on this night and they sent greeting and blessings on Ali. They said, ‘Wow Ali wow, who can ever be like you. God in Heaven is proud of you and He is marvelling your self-sacrifice before the Angels.’
Both mighty Angels sang the praises of Ali and guarded him all night. On that night God was so happy with Ali that He granted him Divine Wish, the Vala, a gift of love most pure and perfect. This divine decree is the Valaya or guardianship by which the chosen one becomes God’s ruler over the creation. Vala is the divine right trusted to the desired. They keys to the Universe were given to Ali, blessed be he. Ali became the first of Twelve Guardians of Justice appointed by God as Imams, the Leaders for humanity. Their holy names are Ali, Al Hasan, Al Husayn, Al Sajaad, Al Baqir, Al Sadiq, Al Kazim, Al Reza, Al Taqi, Al Naqi, Al Askari, and Al Mahdi. In heavens, all the Angels of the Lord say, ‘God bless Mohamed and his descendents’. Peace be upon Gabriel and Michael.
The Divine Rule and Guardianship, or Valaya was by the Will of God Almighty. It began at Ghadir when God ordered His Nabi to anoint Ali as the first Leader of Justice, the Imam. It was Gabriel who came down from the heavens to tell Nabi that God said it was time to designate Ali the master of the universe. This appointment was to bring balance to the Force of Believers. That day destroyed the hopes of people of the dark side. The year was 632.
God’s Messenger Mohamed left Medina to perform Haj. Except for Valaya, he had already announced God’s commandments to the people. Then Angel Gabriel came down and said:
‘O Mohamed, God sends peace on you, and says: “I have never taken the soul of any messenger until I have completed the Path and established My Proof. Two things still remain which you need to show to the people, the need to do Haj, and the need to recognise Valaya of your successor. I have never left My Earth empty of a Proof; nor will I ever leave it empty. Go, therefore, on Haj with the Bedouins. Show them how to do Haj like you taught them other things”.’
Nabi told his caller and he announced to the people to prepare for the journey to Haj. Over seventy thousand people gathered; the same number as those who went with Musa and accepted Haroon with a pledge. But later they broke their promise and followed Samri and made themselves a cow for worship. Similarly, Nabi took pledge for Ali from the people. But these too broke it later, and followed a Cow and a Samri of their time. They were just like the people who rejected Musa.
Nabi Mohamed performed all the rituals of Haj. At Mina, the Angel Gabriel came down and said:
‘O Mohamed, your Lord sends greeting to you and says: “Time has come for you to come to Me. Therefore, make your last will earlier. Pass your weapon and all the knowledge to your executive and successor, Ali son of Abu Talib, who is My greatest Proof for My creation, and My Logic against them. To him is My Peace. Raise him high as a guiding standard before the people. Remind them of obeying him, and again take the oath from them about My Ambassador, Ali son of Abu Talib, the Master of all believers, men and women. I have never taken the soul of any prophet until I have perfected My Path and completed My favour by establishing Obedience to My Friends and Wrath on My Enemies. Following Ali is the height of My Towheed, the belief in my Path, and completion of My Blessing on My creation. Whoever obeys him has obeyed Me. Whoever denies Ali and accepts the rule of any other person is a Mushrik, a Kafir [an idolator, an infidel]. I will give Hell to those who dislike him and I will give Paradise to those who accept him. Therefore, raise him as a standard because soon I will take you to Myself ”.’
Nabi Mohamed was concerned about the enemies of Ali and their plots, that they would lead many people back to the days of ignorance. Therefore, Nabi asked Gabriel to go back to God and seek guarantee and protection against evil the conspirators. Nabi waited until Gabriel obtained the promise of security from God. Gabriel went and returned, but without God’s promise of protection. Nabi again sent Gabriel back saying, ‘O Gabriel I am worried for Ali. Evil people will not accept him and harm him’. [Gabriel went back to God to ask for what Nabi wished for Ali.]
[In the mean time] Nabi left Maka and headed for Medina. He reached the place Ghadir Khum at ten in the morning. Here Gabriel descended from the heavens and said:
‘O Mohamed, the Almighty God sends His greetings to you, and says: “O Messenger, deliver what your Lord has given to you – about Ali – and if you cannot then you would not have proclaimed His message; and [do not worry] God will protect you against those people”.’
Nabi now called on all the pilgrims to gather together for a sermon. He ordered that a temporary pulpit be constructed for him. Nabi climbed on to the pulpit and stood to deliver the sermon. He said:
"Praise is to God, who is exalted in His unity, near in His uniqueness, sublime in His power, great in His dominance, and knower of all things... There is no other god except Him. Indeed Gabriel came down three times to give me order that I stand in this place and reveal to everyone, black and white, that Ali son of Abu Talib is my brother, my excutive and my successor, and the Imam after me. Next to God and Mohamed, he is your guardian. Know that God has designated him guardian and leader for you. Choose him because God has chosen him, and turn to him, because God has appointed him. He is the Imam from God. O mankind, take Ali, because after I am gone, he is the best person in the world. I am leaving behind for you two important things, the holy book of God, and my pure family. If you hold fast to these two precious things, then you will never go astray. I will be asked about them and you will be asked. I remind you of God regarding my family. I remind you of God regarding my family. I remind you of God regarding my family. Therefore, see how you treat them. These two great things will remain together; and they will never separate from each other till they meet me at the Fountain in Heaven. After me there will be leaders who will take people to the fire. On the day of judgement no one will help them. God and I are both clear of them; they will be in the lowest depths of hell. So too will be their supporters, and their followers. Evil indeed is the home of the arrogant. Some people will usurp and replace it with their own kingdom. May God curse the usurpers who dispossess. Indeed your guardian is God Almighty; and your guardian is Mohamed who is now addressing you; and then, after me, by the command of God your Lord, your guardian and leader is Ali. There is no knowledge except what I taught Ali. He is Imam al Mobeen. God Almighty has more right over my life than I do myself; and I have more right over the lives of believers than they have themselves. And I am master of those whose take Ali as their master. I am their master to whom master is Ali. O God, love those who love him and be an enemy to those who hate him; help those who help him; and leave those who leave him! I have now delivered God’s message to you. I have made you hear. O Lord! I ask you to bear witness that I have announced it. [Pause]. God has just sent down to me this message: ‘This day I have perfected your religion for you, and completed My Blessing on you, and chosen Peace as your Way.' O mankind, the honourable and majestic God has perfected your religion through Ali’s leadership. So, now those of you who does not follow him and the Imams of my lineage, till Judgement Day when deeds are shown are presented to God the honourable and majestic, they are the ones whose deeds shall become fruitless and vain, and they shall live in fire forever. This is Ali, my brother, and executor, and the vessel of my knowledge, and my successor. He is the Captain of the Believers, the Imam of Guidance. Your Nabi is the best Nabi and your Wasi is the best Wasi. I am the warner and Ali is the guide. I am the Nabi and Ali is the Wasi. The last of the Imams will be the awaited Mehdi the Messiah. He will restore God’s Kindgom on Earth and all of our rights. On behalf of the Almighty God, I ask you now to swear the oath of allegiance to Ali. So, fear God and give your pledge of loyalty to Ali, Ameer Al Momineen, and God’s blessings is upon him and on Hasan and Husayn, and to the Imams after them. God will destroy the treacherous, and He will show mercy to the loyal. Say what I have said, and greet Ali as the Captain of the Believers, and say, ‘we hear and we obey, forgive us O Lord, to You is our return’. And say: 'Praise be to God who has guided us to this; because without guidance from God we would never have been guided.’ O mankind, whoever obeys God and His messenger and Ali and the Imams will attain a great victory. O Lord! Forgive the believers, and send Your wrath upon the disbelievers; and Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds."
This is part of the speech of Nabi at Ghadir. Ancients books record a very long three hours sermon. The Holy Family of Nabi celebrated the day of Ghadir as a Divine Blessing on them and on the entire Creation.
The fifth Imam said, “God’s Way [religion] is based on five things: God’s Way [religion] is based on five things: Prayer, Charity, Fasting, Pilgrimage, and Valaya. Nothing was commanded like Valaya was commanded. But people accepted first four and left the Valaya.”
The eighth Imam said, “Example of believers in accepting Valaya of [Ali] the Leader of the Believers on the day of Ghadir is like that of Angels in bowing to Adam; and, the example of disbelievers who left Valaya of the Leader of Believers [Ali] on day of Ghadir is like that of [Satan] Eblees.”
Holy Lady al Zahra said, “After Ghadir, God has left no argument for anyone.”
Her father Master Mohammed said, “Transmitting the Ghadir sermon is the greatest act of Amr bil Maruf [calling people towards good].”
Nabi Mohamed also said, “Day of Ghadir Khumm is the greatest Celebration Festival of believers. It was the day God Almighty ordered me to designate His Zikr, my brother, Ali son of Abu Talib as the standard of believers. Through him they will be guided after me. It was the day God perfected the true Religion and completed His blessing on believers. He is happy that Submission to God be their Way.”
The sixth Imam said, “Fasting on day of Ghadir is greater in value than fasting for the entire age of the world. It is the greatest celebration of God. God has not appointed any Nabi but to celebrate this day as Joy. They are all aware of its holiness. In heavens it is known as the Day of the Covenant. You might think that the honourable and majestic God may have created a day more holy than this. Never. By God. Never. By God. Never. By God.”
The eighth Imam said, “Truly the day of Ghadir is more popular in Heavens than it is on Earth. By God, if mankind really knew the value and greatness of this day, the Angels would come and shake hands with them ten times a day.”
Historians also record that Master Mohamed said Ali is Mowla of all pious people, 'If I am your master than take Ali as your master; O Lord, love those who love Ali and hate those who hate Ali, help those who help Ali and leave those who abandon Ali, and turn the truth to where Ali turns.'
After the sermon of Ghadir, the Angel Gabriel flew back to the heavens very happy and praising Ali, his master. There was a big party thrown across the Cosmos in celebration of Valaya of Ali.
By S. Saclain
Manchester, UK
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Party of God
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Where God does speak
No force can defeat
There are two prophesies in God's Book, the Holy Koran:
"When Nasrallah comes, you will see great victories."
"Truly, Hezbollah will be successful."
Now, only a blind person would not be able to see the point of these verses.
Lebanese party Hezbollah and its leader Hasan Nasrallah
are both mentioned by name in the Muslim Holy Book.
God could not have been more clearer.
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Where God does speak
No force can defeat
There are two prophesies in God's Book, the Holy Koran:
"When Nasrallah comes, you will see great victories."
"Truly, Hezbollah will be successful."
Now, only a blind person would not be able to see the point of these verses.
Lebanese party Hezbollah and its leader Hasan Nasrallah
are both mentioned by name in the Muslim Holy Book.
God could not have been more clearer.
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Al Zahra
Ya Husayn Ya Husayn
Karbala Photograph
Only Shias Love Prophet Mohammad
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How to reply to our lost Muslim brothers
Shias brothers and sisters often get asked very silly questions by muslims of other devious sects. These lost muslims have no right to ask us questions when they themselves believe in wrong things about Holy Prophet Mohammed. In fact, these muslims say wrong things even about Allah. Here are few examples to bare in mind when talking to the fanatics.
If you ask them what is their bellief about the Holy Prophet, you will notice from their replies that for them he is not a perfect guide. He is simply an error prone postman who came to deliver a holy book; and once the book is delivered, these muslims dont need him anymore. They even told him that your words are not needed, book of God is sufficient. They even accused him of sometimes losing his mind.
Their version of the Prophet is someone who is an ordinary human being, like you and me. To them, he was not a Prophet until the age of 40. They claim that God made him a Prophet only when he reached 40. That makes him lower than Jesus, who they admit was born a Prophet.
These stray muslims also believe that Prophet could make mistakes. They assert that Muhammad was a sinner. That is out of order. You should ask them: What kind of a Prophet do you believe in. How can you say God's last Holy Messenger was a sinner. You believe that Jesus was perfect, Mary was perfect, and yet you say Prophet Mohammed was full of sins and errors. How can you place him below Jesus. Tell them this is very disrespectful. This is no way to honour the Holy Prophet. These brainwashed muslims dont know what honour is. Honour belongs to Shia Believers of Imam Ali.
When these absurd muslims accept such ridiculous beliefs, it is no wonder that they have an issue with accepting a perfect Successor of the Mohammad. These muslims who insult the Prophet will never be able to understand a perfect and an infallible Imam. They will naturally reject Ali when they don’t even accept Mohammed as an Infallible Guide. Prophet had predicted that only those who take me as their Master will take Ali as their Master. That means dirty hearts are worthy neither of Mohammed nor of Ali. God's Light enters only the pure heart of Momins.
While our silly muslim brothers continue to assert that Prophet was a mere mortal who could sin and make mistakes, then how on earth can we expect them to believe that Ali was sinless and mistakeless. Obviously its not going to work. We should stop expecting that these absurd muslims will ever be ready to understand Ali while they continue to have a dirty heart about God's Holy Messenger. They still refuse to clean their belief about Prophet Mohammad.
For example, an Atheist will never accept the Holy Quran as a book of God when he does not even believe in God. Therefore, correct priorities have to be set in order. First these monkeys have to be told that there is a God who has made them. Once they are convinced, only then will these apes become human and be able to see what the Quran is.
Similarly, our astray muslim brothers and sisters, who don’t even believe in perfection of Prophet Mohammed, obviously accept Ali or the 12 Imams as perfect guides to humanity. Therefore, the advice is that you should not present the Holy Imams to those who do not first accept Holiness and perfection of God’s last Messenger. It would naturally be a waste of time telling them about Imams before their basic beliefs have been corrected. Think about it. Until they purify the filth they state about the Holy Prophet, their hearts will not be able to see the Light of God which He placed in Ali.
Therefore, when debating with these silly extremists, simply request them to stop saying wrong things about the Prophet. Ask them not to degrade the honour of the Prophet by accepting wrong things about him. In the Shahada, while they say Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah; however, they then go on say he was not a perfect messenger. I mean, what kind of stupid belief is this. Its very insulting to the Prophet. They need to correct their basic Aqeeda. As long as they continue to believe in all sorts of rubbish, they will never be able to comprehend the height at which Imam Ali is positioned by God.
Remember, these silly muslims are desperate, which is why the things they say about Shias are complete lies. Its all propaganda against Shias. They are getting desperate. We know they can’t challenge the Shias because our belief perfect. Our Leaders are perfect. Our Holy Prophet is perfect. And our God is perfect. God bless Prophet and his holy family.
If you look at their leaders, they are all imperfect and many are former enemies of God. They should clean their own dirty house before trying to tell us what the truth is.
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How to reply to our lost Muslim brothers
Shias brothers and sisters often get asked very silly questions by muslims of other devious sects. These lost muslims have no right to ask us questions when they themselves believe in wrong things about Holy Prophet Mohammed. In fact, these muslims say wrong things even about Allah. Here are few examples to bare in mind when talking to the fanatics.
If you ask them what is their bellief about the Holy Prophet, you will notice from their replies that for them he is not a perfect guide. He is simply an error prone postman who came to deliver a holy book; and once the book is delivered, these muslims dont need him anymore. They even told him that your words are not needed, book of God is sufficient. They even accused him of sometimes losing his mind.
Their version of the Prophet is someone who is an ordinary human being, like you and me. To them, he was not a Prophet until the age of 40. They claim that God made him a Prophet only when he reached 40. That makes him lower than Jesus, who they admit was born a Prophet.
These stray muslims also believe that Prophet could make mistakes. They assert that Muhammad was a sinner. That is out of order. You should ask them: What kind of a Prophet do you believe in. How can you say God's last Holy Messenger was a sinner. You believe that Jesus was perfect, Mary was perfect, and yet you say Prophet Mohammed was full of sins and errors. How can you place him below Jesus. Tell them this is very disrespectful. This is no way to honour the Holy Prophet. These brainwashed muslims dont know what honour is. Honour belongs to Shia Believers of Imam Ali.
When these absurd muslims accept such ridiculous beliefs, it is no wonder that they have an issue with accepting a perfect Successor of the Mohammad. These muslims who insult the Prophet will never be able to understand a perfect and an infallible Imam. They will naturally reject Ali when they don’t even accept Mohammed as an Infallible Guide. Prophet had predicted that only those who take me as their Master will take Ali as their Master. That means dirty hearts are worthy neither of Mohammed nor of Ali. God's Light enters only the pure heart of Momins.
While our silly muslim brothers continue to assert that Prophet was a mere mortal who could sin and make mistakes, then how on earth can we expect them to believe that Ali was sinless and mistakeless. Obviously its not going to work. We should stop expecting that these absurd muslims will ever be ready to understand Ali while they continue to have a dirty heart about God's Holy Messenger. They still refuse to clean their belief about Prophet Mohammad.
For example, an Atheist will never accept the Holy Quran as a book of God when he does not even believe in God. Therefore, correct priorities have to be set in order. First these monkeys have to be told that there is a God who has made them. Once they are convinced, only then will these apes become human and be able to see what the Quran is.
Similarly, our astray muslim brothers and sisters, who don’t even believe in perfection of Prophet Mohammed, obviously accept Ali or the 12 Imams as perfect guides to humanity. Therefore, the advice is that you should not present the Holy Imams to those who do not first accept Holiness and perfection of God’s last Messenger. It would naturally be a waste of time telling them about Imams before their basic beliefs have been corrected. Think about it. Until they purify the filth they state about the Holy Prophet, their hearts will not be able to see the Light of God which He placed in Ali.
Therefore, when debating with these silly extremists, simply request them to stop saying wrong things about the Prophet. Ask them not to degrade the honour of the Prophet by accepting wrong things about him. In the Shahada, while they say Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah; however, they then go on say he was not a perfect messenger. I mean, what kind of stupid belief is this. Its very insulting to the Prophet. They need to correct their basic Aqeeda. As long as they continue to believe in all sorts of rubbish, they will never be able to comprehend the height at which Imam Ali is positioned by God.
Remember, these silly muslims are desperate, which is why the things they say about Shias are complete lies. Its all propaganda against Shias. They are getting desperate. We know they can’t challenge the Shias because our belief perfect. Our Leaders are perfect. Our Holy Prophet is perfect. And our God is perfect. God bless Prophet and his holy family.
If you look at their leaders, they are all imperfect and many are former enemies of God. They should clean their own dirty house before trying to tell us what the truth is.
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