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How to reply to our lost Muslim brothersShias brothers and sisters often get asked very silly questions by muslims of other devious sects. These lost muslims have no right to ask us questions when they themselves believe in wrong things about Holy Prophet Mohammed. In fact, these muslims say wrong things even about Allah. Here are few examples to bare in mind when talking to the fanatics.
If you ask them what is their bellief about the Holy Prophet, you will notice from their replies that for them he is not a perfect guide. He is simply an error prone postman who came to deliver a holy book; and once the book is delivered, these muslims dont need him anymore. They even told him that your words are not needed, book of God is sufficient. They even accused him of sometimes losing his mind.
Their version of the Prophet is someone who is an ordinary human being, like you and me. To them, he was not a Prophet until the age of 40. They claim that God made him a Prophet only when he reached 40. That makes him lower than Jesus, who they admit was born a Prophet.
These stray muslims also believe that Prophet could make mistakes. They assert that Muhammad was a sinner. That is out of order. You should ask them: What kind of a Prophet do you believe in. How can you say God's last Holy Messenger was a sinner. You believe that Jesus was perfect, Mary was perfect, and yet you say Prophet Mohammed was full of sins and errors. How can you place him below Jesus. Tell them this is very disrespectful. This is no way to honour the Holy Prophet. These brainwashed muslims dont know what honour is. Honour belongs to Shia Believers of Imam Ali.
When these absurd muslims accept such ridiculous beliefs, it is no wonder that they have an issue with accepting a perfect Successor of the Mohammad. These muslims who insult the Prophet will never be able to understand a perfect and an infallible Imam. They will naturally reject Ali when they don’t even accept Mohammed as an Infallible Guide. Prophet had predicted that only those who take me as their Master will take Ali as their Master. That means dirty hearts are worthy neither of Mohammed nor of Ali. God's Light enters only the pure heart of Momins.
While our silly muslim brothers continue to assert that Prophet was a mere mortal who could sin and make mistakes, then how on earth can we expect them to believe that Ali was sinless and mistakeless. Obviously its not going to work. We should stop expecting that these absurd muslims will ever be ready to understand Ali while they continue to have a dirty heart about God's Holy Messenger. They still refuse to clean their belief about Prophet Mohammad.
For example, an Atheist will never accept the Holy Quran as a book of God when he does not even believe in God. Therefore, correct priorities have to be set in order. First these monkeys have to be told that there is a God who has made them. Once they are convinced, only then will these apes become human and be able to see what the Quran is.
Similarly, our astray muslim brothers and sisters, who don’t even believe in perfection of Prophet Mohammed, obviously accept Ali or the 12 Imams as perfect guides to humanity. Therefore, the advice is that you should not present the Holy Imams to those who do not first accept Holiness and perfection of God’s last Messenger. It would naturally be a waste of time telling them about Imams before their basic beliefs have been corrected. Think about it. Until they purify the filth they state about the Holy Prophet, their hearts will not be able to see the Light of God which He placed in Ali.
Therefore, when debating with these silly extremists, simply request them to stop saying wrong things about the Prophet. Ask them not to degrade the honour of the Prophet by accepting wrong things about him. In the Shahada, while they say Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah; however, they then go on say he was not a perfect messenger. I mean, what kind of stupid belief is this. Its very insulting to the Prophet. They need to correct their basic Aqeeda. As long as they continue to believe in all sorts of rubbish, they will never be able to comprehend the height at which Imam Ali is positioned by God.
Remember, these silly muslims are desperate, which is why the things they say about Shias are complete lies. Its all propaganda against Shias. They are getting desperate. We know they can’t challenge the Shias because our belief perfect. Our Leaders are perfect. Our Holy Prophet is perfect. And our God is perfect. God bless Prophet and his holy family.
If you look at their leaders, they are all imperfect and many are former enemies of God. They should clean their own dirty house before trying to tell us what the truth is.
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