
Hijab Veil


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“(O Prophet) Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest. That is purer for them. Lo! Allah is aware of what they do. And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display of their adornment only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils over their bosoms, and not to reveal their adornment save to their own husbands or fathers or husbands' fathers, or their sons or their husbands' sons, or their brothers or their brothers' sons or sisters' sons, or their women, or their slaves, or male attendants who lack vigour, or children who know naught of women's nakedness. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. O believers turn unto Allah together in order that ye may succeed.” [24:30-31]

“And those who malign believing men and believing women undeservedly, they bear the guilt of slander and manifest sin. O Prophet! Tell thy wives and thy daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them (when they go abroad). That will be better, so that they may be recognised and not annoyed. Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful.” [33:58-59]

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1. There are women who DO NOT want to show off their beauty to men, and they hide when men see it.
2. There are women who want to NOT SHOW off their beauty to men, and they try to hide it.
3. There are women who do NOT WANT to show off their beauty to men, and they do not hide when men see it.
4. There are women who WANT TO show off their beauty to men.

Major Sins



"O you who believe! Why say you that which you do not? It is most hateful in the sight of God that you say that which you do not." [61:2-3]

"If you avoid the major (sins) which you are forbidden, We will remit from you your evil deeds and make you enter at a noble gate." [4:31]

"And serve God. Ascribe nothing as partner to Him. Be kind to parents, and to near relatives, and orphans, and the needy, and to the neighbour who is of relative and the neighbour who is not of relative, and the fellow-traveller and the wayfarer and (the slaves) whom your right hands possess. Lo! God loves not such as are proud and boastful, Who hoard their wealth and enjoin avarice on others, and hide that which God has bestowed upon them of His bounty. We prepare a shameful doom for disbelievers, and those who spend their wealth in order to be seen of men, and believe not in God nor the Last Day." [4:36-38]

"Lo! God forgives not that a partner should be ascribed to Him. He forgives except that to whom He will. Whoever ascribes partners to God, he has indeed invented a tremendous sin." [4:48]

"Lo! God pardons not that partners should be ascribed to Him. He pardons all except that to whom He will. Whoso ascribes partners to God has wandered far astray." [4:116]

"O you who believe! You be staunch in justice, witnesses for God, even though it be against yourselves or parents or relatives, whether a rich man or a poor man, for God is nearer to both. So follow not passion lest you lapse; and if you lapse or fall away, then lo! God is ever Informed of what you do." [4:135]

"Say: Come, I will recite to you that which your Lord has made a sacred duty for you: That you ascribe no thing as partner to Him and that you do good to parents, and that you slay not your children because of penury - We provide for you and for them - and that you draw not nigh to lewd things whether open or concealed. And that you slay not the life which God has made sacred, except in the course of justice. This He has commanded you, in order that you may discern. And approach not the wealth of the orphan except with that which is better, till he reach maturity. Give full measure and full weight, in justice. We task not any soul beyond its scope. And if you give your word, do justice to it, even though it be (against) a relative; and fulfil the covenant of God. This He commands you that haply you may remember: This is My straight path, so follow it. Follow not other ways, lest you be parted from His way. This has He ordained for you, that you may ward off (evil)." [6:151-153]

"Lo! We have made the devils protecting friends for those who believe not. And when they do some lewdness they say: We found our fathers doing it and God has enjoined it on us. Say: God, verily, enjoins not lewdness. Tell you concerning God that which you know not ? Say: My Lord enjoins justice. And set your faces upright at every place of worship and call upon Him, making religion pure for Him." [7:27-29]

"Say: My Lord forbids only indecencies, such of them as are apparent and such as are within, and sin and wrongful oppression, and that you associate with God that for which no warrant has been revealed, and that you tell concerning God that which you know not." [7:33]

"Set not up with God any other god lest you sit down reproved, forsaken. Your Lord has decreed, that you worship none except Him, and be kind kindness to parents. If one of them or both of them attain old age with you, say not "Ough" to them nor repulse them, but speak to them a gracious word. And lower to them the wing of submission through mercy, and say: My Lord! Have mercy on them both as they did care for me when I was little. Your Lord is Best Aware of what is in your minds. If you are righteous, then lo! He was ever Forgiving to those who turn (to Him). Give the relative his due, and the needy, and the wayfarer; and squander not in wantonness. Lo! the squanderers were ever brothers of the devils, and the devil was ever ingrate to his Lord. But if you turn away from them, seeking mercy from your Lord, for which you hope, then speak to them a reasonable word. And let not your hand be chained to your neck nor open it with a complete opening, lest you sit down rebuked, denuded. Lo! your Lord for whom He will enlarges and lessons the provision. Lo, He was ever Knower, Seer of His slaves. Slay not your children, fearing a fall to poverty, We shall provide for them and for you. Lo! the slaying of them is great sin. And come not near to adultery. Lo! it is an abomination and an evil way. And slay not the life which God has forbidden except with right. Whoso is slain wrongfully, We have given power to his heir, but let him not commit excess in slaying. Lo! he will be helped. Come not near the wealth of the orphan except with that which is better till he come to strength; and keep the covenant. Lo! of the covenant it will be asked. Fill the measure when you measure, and weigh with a right balance; that is meet, and better in the end. Follow not that whereof you have no knowledge. Lo! the hearing and the sight and the heart - of each of these it will be asked. And walk not in the earth exultant. Lo! you cannot rend the earth, nor can you stretch to the height of the hills. The evil of all that is hateful in the sight of your Lord. This is (part) of that wisdom wherewith your Lord has inspired you (O Mohammed). And set not up with God any other god, lest you be cast into hell, reproved, abandoned." [17:22-39]


True Believers



God defines His believers in these verses of Surah Al Anfaal and Surah al Muminun:

“They only are the Believers whose hearts feel fear when God is mentioned, and when His verses are recited unto them they increase their faith, and who trust in their Lord; Who establish worship and spend of that We have bestowed on them. Those are they who are Real Believers. For them are grades (of honour) with their Lord, and Pardon, and a Bountiful Provision.” [Holy Quran, 8:2-4]

“Those who believed and left their homes and strove for the cause of God, and those who took them in and helped them - these are the Real Believers. For them is Pardon, and Bountiful Provision. And those who afterwards believed and left their homes and strove along with you, they are of you; and those who are akin are nearer one to another in the ordinance of God. Lo! God is Knower of all things.” [Holy Quran, 8:74-75]

“Successful indeed are the believers; Who are humble in their prayers, And who shun vain conversation, And who are payers of the poor-due; And who guard their modesty; Except from their wives or what their right hands possess, for then they are not blameworthy, But whoso craves beyond that, such are transgressors; And who are shepherds of their pledge and their covenant, And who pay heed to their prayers. These are the heirs; Who will inherit Paradise. There they will abide.” [Holy Quran, 23:1-11]



In these verses of Surah Al Nisa, God tells us who are His deniers:

“Whoever disbelieves in God and His Angels and His scriptures and His messengers and the Last Day, he verily has wandered far astray. Lo! those who believe, then disbelieve and then (again) believe, then disbelieve, and then increase in disbelief, God will never forgive them, nor will He guide them to a way. Give to the hypocrites the news that for them there is a painful doom. Those who chose disbelievers for their friends instead of believers! Do they look for honour at their hands? Lo! all honour belongs to God. He has already revealed to you in the Book that, when you hear the verses of God rejected and mocked, (you) sit not with them until they engage in some other conversation. Lo! in that case you would be like them. Lo! God will gather hypocrites and disbelievers, all together, into hell; Those who wait upon occasion in regard to you and, if a victory comes to you from God, say: Are we not with you? and if the disbelievers meet with a success say: Had we not the mastery of you, and did we not protect you from the believers? - God will judge between you at the Day of Resurrection. God will not give the disbelievers a way against the believers. Lo! the hypocrites seek to fool God, but it is He Who fools them. When they stand up to worship they perform it reluctantly, and to be seen of men, and little remember God. (They are) swaying between this (and that), (belonging) neither to these nor to those. He whom God causes to go astray, you (O Prophet) will not find a way for him. O you who believe! Choose not disbelievers for (your) friends in place of believers. Would you give God a clear case against you? Lo! the hypocrites (will be) in the lowest deep of the Fire, and you will find no helper for them. Other than that, those who repent and amend and hold fast to God and make their religion pure for God. Those are with the believers. And God will bestow on the believers an immense reward. What concern has God for your punishment if you are grateful (to Him) and believe? God was ever Responsive, Aware. God loves not the shouting of harsh speech except by one who has been wronged. God is ever Hearer, Knower. If ye do good openly or keep it secret, or forgive evil, lo! God is ever Forgiving, Powerful. Lo! those who disbelieve in God and His messengers, and seek to make distinction between God and His messengers, and say: We believe in some and disbelieve in others, and seek to choose a way in between; such are real disbelievers; and for disbelievers We prepare a shameful doom. But those who believe in God and His messengers and make no distinction between any of them, to them God will give their rewards; and God was ever Forgiving, Merciful.” [Holy Quran, 4:136-152].








Brief Life of Prophet


Brief Life of Prophet Muhammad

The Holy Prophet Muhammad was born in Mecca in 570. He married at 25.

God chose Prophet Muhammad as a Guide for Humanity. Prophet Muhammad taught that there is One God. His name is Allah. He Created the Universe. Allah has no Equals. He made Life and He causes Death. There is accountability on a Day of Judgement when Allah will raise people back to life. Good people will be sent to Paradise where they will have Eternal Life of Bliss. Evil people will be sent to the Fire of Hell to be punished Forever. God gave Prophet Muhammad a Holy Book, the Quran. It is the Pure Word of God.

Prophet Muhammad had many enemies. They fought him for 20 years. But God helped His Prophet and gave him victory. Prophet Muhammad died in Medina in 632 at the age of 63. His grave is a Shrine for Pilgrimage. Prophet Muhammad left behind Quran and his pious daughter Fatima. Through her his lineage has survived.

Prophet Muhammad’s teachings have spread all over the World. The Straight Path taught by Prophet Muhammad is called Islam. In 21st century thousands of people in East and West are accepting Islam as the Divine Religion.

God bless Muhammad and his Family.



What Prophet Taught


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Prophet Mohammed was born in Mecca in Arabia in the year 570. He was Messenger of God. Mohammed was chosen by God to guide humanity towards correct belief about God, and truth about the life after death. Mohammed said God is one. God created this beautiful Universe. There is judgement day after death when all humans will be resurrected back to life and held to account for their actions. Mohammed was also ordered by God to teach mankind the correct moral values. Here is brief summary of Prophet’s teachings.


There is a lot of misconception and false information on the subject of women. Truth is women are greatly respected and treated by teachings of Mohammed. Mohammed asked people to respect females. People used to oppress women but Prophet Mohammed gave them rights. He said women can buy and sell property. They can get inheritance. They can vote. They can work. They can teach and lead. Women can divorce their husbands if they don’t like them. Women can marry a man even for a day. Europe has still not granted some rights to women which Mohammad given to females two thousand years ago. In fact, women have more and better rights given to them by God then in some western nations. Mohammed said every female is valuable. Female has divine rights. Woman is not lowered before a man. In fact, Mohammed honoured women more than men. But other men in later history changed the holy tradition of Mohammed, and hence they began to oppress women. Today, people are seeing that in the true religion of God, females are never oppressed. When females discover how much respect and power they have in Islam, they often wish to become the followers of Mohammed. Educated and successful women in the west are converting to Islam. In 2011, thousands of females in west became Muslims. Women are amazed to find out how highly Islam values them. The truth about teachings of Mohammed is mostly unknown by the world. Propaganda is used against Mohammed to hide the honourable position given to women by him. In true, original Islam women have respect, rights, and are powerful; and their lives are much happier.


Prophet Mohammed taught humanity beautiful and beneficial teachings. All that is good and right is in God’s religion Islam. True Islam accepts other as equals in humanity. There is no racism. There is no discrimination. Every human being is valued and treated justly and respectfully.  

Tolerance of other people and religions is a good thing. Even Atheists should be respected for their lack of belief in God. God does not want to compel any person to believe in Him. Mohammed said you all have been given free will by God. Therefore, it is your own decision to search for Truth or to not search for it. It is up to you to accept God or reject Him. It is your own choice as to how you want to spend your life. You can live how you want to live. God will question you all what you did in this life.


Jihad means to defend yourself. When you or your family are attacked, the aturally you will do youe best to defend them. That is what Prophet Muhammad taught. Jihad does not mean attacking innocent people. Extremists do not understand Jihad and use it to kill non-muslims. Some ignorant muslims also think Jihad means use force to convert people to Islam. This is against teachings of Mohammed. Jihad does not mean waging war on non-muslims. Jihad does not mean forcing others to accept your views. Killing innocent people and hating people is forbidden by Prophet Mohammed. Mohammed said we should love others. He said you should treat people as you would like to be treated. Jihad simply means to defend yourself when you are attacked. Media and politicians often present false image of Islam by concentrating only on extremist muslims.

Life after Death

Mohammed said there will be a Grand Judgement Day. All humanity will be resurrected back to life. They will stand before their Creator. He will hold them to account for their actions and behaviour. Mohammad said God is one. He is not two or three or a hundred. God is one, unique and ultimate authority. God has created all that exists. God Himself is eternal and uncreated. He is not dependent on anything. God is all Powerful, All Knowing, All Seeing, All Hearing, and All Good. Mohammed said God is perfect. He makes no mistake. God has created life and death. No person can escape death. Even Mohammad the holy messenger of God had to die. When you die your soul goes back to God. It was a Divine spirit that God had breathed into you. Mohammed said that the good people will be happy on the other side. The evil doers will be in misery. God will send pious men and women to Paradise to live there forever. It’s a place of eternal bliss. Mohammed said that in Paradise there is no death, disease or crime. It is place made for the good people. Hell is a place made for murderers, rapists, and other evil people. God will punish the wicked in Hell. This is Divine Justice. Mohammed said real success is to win God’s pleasure on the day of judgement. If you lose there, then you are real loser. There is no way back. It’s one way trip from this life to death and life in the hereafter. If God awards you Paradise then that is true success.


Mohammed said look after your parents and respect your relatives. Love your wife and children. Be kind to the poor and give them charity. Look after your neighbours. Seek knowledge and use your intellect. Listen to your heart but don’t let your evil desires control you. Clean your body but also cleanse your soul. Be honest and just. Live a fair and honourable life. Be truthful and fair towards other people. Keep your promises. Do not break your trusts. Worship God and don’t obey false authorities. Stand up for justice. Fight oppression and speak against evil. Mohammed said lying, stealing, killing, and oppressing are all wrong. Do not murder, and do not steal. Respect people's life property and honour. Don’t drink alcohol because it destroys lives. Do not gamble because it is evil and wastes your wealth. Do not fornicate outside marriage. Be faithful to your wife. Do not commit shameless things. Wear modest clothes of piety. Do not reveal your naked flesh. Know that there is one God and there is Heaven and Hell. God watches you all the time.

These are basic teachings of Holy Prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him and his family. [Source: Holy Koran ]



Terror Origins


Origins of Today’s Terrorists

Since 1950, the extremists among muslims want to kill non-muslims in the West. They plan to force the west to submit to their views. In reliaty they are terrorists. They are ignorant of the true teachings of Islam. The cause of their extremism and terrorism lies a thousand years ago in the days after the death of the Holy Prophet Muhamad.

Prophet Muhammad was chosen by God to be His messenger to humanity. He was born in 570. When he grew up, he married a pious widow named Khadija. She was a noble woman of Mecca. At the age of 40, Angel Gabriel appeared to Muhammad while he was meditating in a cave. Angel said God wants you reform your society and teach the world the truth about their Creator and what He wants from them. Muhammad received revelations from the Angel and began his work. Muhammad and his cause were aided by sincere men such as Abu Talib, Ali, Khadija, Salman, Amar, and many others.

Muhammad began teaching that there exists only one true God, and that there is life after death. There will be judgement day after you die. You will be held to account for your actions. Prophet condemned idolatry, murder, greed, oppression. He banned alcohol as root of all evil. Also forbidden were gambling and charging interests on money. Sex outside marriage was outlawed. Marriage and family life were loved by God. These were natural and common sense laws that God gave to humanity through Muhammad. The Prophet received these teachings in form of a book. The holy Quran was a perfect book which the Angel brought down from the very Throne of God.

Some extremists infiltrated the followers of the Prophet. These people included Muawiya, Khalid, Umar, Abu Bakr, Abu Sufyan, These hypocrites pretended to believe in the Prophet. But their evil actions show their disbelief and extremism. These men were hungry for power and wealth. When Prophet Muhammad died in 632, these extremists took control of Medina by plotting a coup. People were outraged. They refused to recognise the tyrants. But new rulers moved ruthlessly. They brutally suppressed any protests. Thousands of innocent people were slaughtered.

These dictators are taken as role models by today’s terrorists. Bin Laden loves Muawiya. Al Qaeda loves Khalid. Actions of Abu Bakr and Umar are considered acceptable by extremist ideological groups. For a hundred years, these men use violence to keep power in their hands. They persecuted family of the Prophet. They forced Ali to vote when he did not want to take part in politics. His grandson Husayn was butchered in Karbala. Home of his Prophet's daughter Fatima was burnt. The moderate muslims were killed. History shows the brutality of these terrorist leaders. Today’s extremists among the Wahhabis and Salafis follow the examples of those leaders of the past.

30 June 2012.


Mothers of Imams


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Honourable Mothers of 12 Holy Imams

1. Her Highness Lady Fatima Bint Assad
2. Her Majesty Lady Fatima Al Zahra
3. Her Majesty Lady Fatima Al Zahra
4. Her Highness Lady Sherbano
5. Her Highness Lady Fatima Bint Hasan
6. Her Highness Lady Ummay Farwa
7. Her Highness Lady Hamida Al Barbaria
8. Her Highness Lady Umm al Baneen (Najma)
9. Her Highness Lady Khizuran (Sabika, Rehana)
10. Her Highness Lady Sumana
11. Her Highness Lady Hadisa (Susan)
12. Her Highness Lady Narjis

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By S. Saklayn
14 Shaban 1433 Hijra [5 July 2012]


Heart of Darkness



Shia Faith is for people who are:

Brave, fair and kind.

Without these three qualities, you can never know the reality.

Therefore, if you are:

a coward, or unjust, or cruel,

then you are a dark entity.

Light is not for you.


14 Sinless Leaders



S. Saklayn [July 2012]

The blessed of God are:

Muhammad, Fatima, Ali, Hasan, Husayn,
Ali, Muhammad, Jafar, Musa, Ali, Muhammad, Ali, Hasan, Muhammad.

[Peace be upon them all.]

Allah is the true God. He created the Universe and He set the Laws. He guides everything. Islam is the guidance of God mankind. God chose pious men and made them Prophets. God sent them as His messenger to deliver His messages. Adam was the first and Muhammad was the final Messenger, the last Prophet. Quran is book revealed by God. It contains God’s complete and perfect message. Quran is the ocean of knowledge and wisdom. Quran needed to be explained properly to the people of all times. Therefore, God chose pious people from the family of Muhammad. They are the guardians of God’s perfect guidance. They are also true leaders of Believers. The last leader is the Holy Messiah. God will send him in the future to establish His Law of God on Earth.


Profile of 14 Infallible Religious Authorities

Muhammad (Peace be on him and his Family)

Name: Muhammad.
Titles: Al Mustafa, Abul Qasim.
Nature: Light.
Religion: Islam. Divine and Natural Truth.
Position: Greatest Divine Messenger.
Office: Teacher. Guardian.
Function: Perfect Role Model.
Right: Appointed by God.
Birth: Mecca. Friday 17 Rabi Al Awwal. [25 August 570 C.E.]
Father: Abdullah, the son of Abdul Muttalib.
Mother: Lady Amina, the daughter of Wahab.
Death: Aged 63. Medina. Monday, 28 Safar, 11 Hijra [25 May 632 C.E.]
Cause: Poison.
Enemies: Abu Sufyan, the pagan leader of Mecca.
Shrine: Masjid al Nabawi in downtown Medina.
Status: Master. Alive and Managing the Universe.

Famous for:

The Divine Messenger from God.

Muhammad was the Final Messenger of Almighty God.

God gave Prophet Muhammad the Divine Book, Holy Quran.

Life in Brief:

Prophet Muhammad was born in Arabia in 570 and died in 632. He said God has sent him a message to deliver to humanity. Muhammad was appointed by God as His Prophet. God sent him to deliver Divine Code to mankind. Muhammad was a Messenger of God. Prophet began preaching the truth in 610 CE. Prophet said God exists and Heaven and Hell also exist. If you reject this you will have terrible regrets. Prophet said God created the Universe and all things in it. God is creator is all life and matter. God has revealed these truths in His own perfect book the Holy Koran. God has shown people the right path and He has given choice to people to accept or reject it. Prophet said you will all one day die and return to God. He will then judge you. If you accept God and live an honest life, you will go to Heaven. If you do evil things to others and you reject God, then you will be punished in Hell.

Prophet taught pure and complete monotheism. God is absolutely one. There is no other god nor is there any equal to God. God has no partners. God is perfect, all powerful, all knowing and just. God created life and death. Life is a test and we are all being examined. God is watching what we do. This short and temporary life on earth is not all that there is. There is another life which comes after death. The soul is taken out of the body at the time of death. It does back to God to await judgement. One day, all humans will be resurrected. Then there will be a never ending life. People will be judged on their actions which they had committed during this life on Earth. What each man and woman had done will be shown to them.

Prophet urged people that they ought to submit to God and then live a good and honourable life. You should all live according to the Divine Law. You should love God your Creator. Prophet said that you must act justly. You must live an honest life. Do not be a hypocrite. Practice what you preach. Be trustworthy and keep all the promises. Do not commit adultery. Do not do shameless lewd acts. Do not kill innocent people. Do not worship false idols. Do not obey satan’s whispers. Do not fall into satanic temptations. Repent and turn to god. Only law is God’s Supreme Law. If you do these things, only then will you be saved. Otherwise, be warned that if accept sinners as your authorities, and you reject God and follow false paths and obey evil ones and do wrong, then you be judged by God, and you will have no friend on that day; and you will suffer eternally in the fire of Hell. This message was accepted by people of his time. People who think about important things see the truth in the teachings of the Holy Prophet. Today thousands of people ever year are choosing to live by what was taught by Muhammad. Holy Prophet Mohammad founded the successful Revolution called Islam. His followers are called Muslims.

Some Holy Sayings of Prophet Muhammad:

The Holy Prophet said:

“The First Thing Created by God was my Light.”

Prophet said,

“I leave behind for you Two Great Things, the Book of God and my Family.”

Prophet said,

“My Holy Family are like Noah’s Ark. Whoever board it is saved. Whoever leaves it is destroyed.”


“Man’s greatest treasure is a pious wife.”
“Do not hate your wife’s bad habits. Appreciate her good qualities.”
“Strong is he who can control himself in anger.”
“If you are not merciful to others, God will not be merciful to you.”
“Only those will enter Paradise who has a true, pure and merciful heart.”
“Hypocrites lie, break promise, and betray trusts.”
“God does not like your fasting if you do not give up lying and slander.”

“Best person is one with best character.”
“Honourable thoughts create honourable results.”
“Nothing is better than remaining silent and being polite.”
“Keeping God in mind polishes the heart.”
“Father cannot give to his children anything better than manners.”
“Treat children with the aim of instilling self-esteem in them.”
“If children do not serve their parents, they will not enter Paradise.”
“Child is born with natural inclination (from God). It is parents that them into a Jew or a Christians or a Pagan.”

“Ink of the learned is holier than the blood of the martyr.”
“Learned men who do wrong are the worst of men.”
“God shows the way to Paradise to him who goes in search for knowledge.”
“Seek knowledge even in China.”
“He who seeks knowledge does not die.”
“God loves to meet him who loves to meet God.”

“Man has free will and is responsible for his actions.”
“Trust in God but tie your camel first.”
“God hates adulterers.”
“Suicide is one of the mortal sins.”
“He who monopolizes trade is a sinner.”
“Love of the material things is the root of all evils.”
“Envy destroys good like fire burns wood.”
“The greatest war is to defeat your own evil desires.”
“Worst sins are associating partners to God, killing people, angering parents, suicide, and lying under oath.”
“Anyone who has one atom of arrogance [pride] cannot enter Paradise.”
“You cannot be a believer until you wish for your brother what you wish for yourself.”
“He who eats and his neighbour are hungry does not believe in God.”
“Muslim’s life, property and reputation are sacred.”
“Muslims are like a wall, some parts strengthening others.”
“Muslim is he who keeps the trust, carries out his word, and fulfils his promise.”
“God’s worst enemies are Muslims who behave against His laws and kill people.”

“Pray standing. If you cannot, then pray sitting or even lying in bed.”
“Charity removes impending calamities.”
“Marriage is a duty on everyone who can afford it and who is fit.”


Profile of 14 Infallible Religious Authorities

Fatima (God Bless Her)

Name: Fatima. Marzia. Mobareka. Mohadisa. Razia. Sadika. Tahera, Zakia, Zara.
Titles: Batool. Sayyida tul Nisa al Alameen. Umme Abeha.
Nature: Light.
Religion: Islam. Divine and Natural Truth.
Position: Greatest Queen.
Office: Greatest Saviour.
Function: Perfect Female Role Model.
Right: Designated by God.
Birth: Mecca. Friday 20 Jamadi Al Awwak [605 CE]
Father: Muhammad, the Messenger of God.
Mother: Lady Khadija.
Death: Aged 28. Medina. 14 Jamadi Al Awwal 11 Hijra [632 CE]
Cause: Beating. Injuries from grievous bodily harm.
Enemies: Aisha, wife of Prophet Muhammad.
Shrine: Unknown, somewhere in Medina. Buried secretly at night.
Status: Queen. Alive and Shinning in Heaven.  

Famous for:

The Greatest Female In Existence.

Fatima is: The Queen of the Cosmos, the Sinless Lady, and the Leader of all Females.

Fatima is Light of God and His Messenger’s Heart.

Life in Brief:

Fatima is the Centre of the Holy Family. In the Holy Quran, God revealed the verse of Perfect Purification for Fatima, her husband and her sons. The 13 wives of the Prophet are excluded from the Status of Infallibility. “O People of the Holy House, God only wishes to keep away from you all evil and to keep you perfectly pure and clean.”

Loving Fatima is the true gratitude to God for the Guidance which He has provided. God told Muhammad to say: “I ask you no wage except to love my nearests.”

God revealed in the Holy Quran Surah Al Kawther in Honour of Fatima. God gave Abundant Good to Muhammad in the form of Fatima. Prophet knew of Al Zahra’s glory before the Lord. Whenever Fatima came to visit her father, the Holy Prophet, he would rise up and stand to receive his daughter. The Holy Prophet said, "Fatima is a piece of my heart".

Fatima is called the Lady of Light. She was called Al Zahra [Shining One] because her light used to shine among those in Heaven. Hadith tell us that, in form of a human Fatima is the Heavenly Woman.

Fatima’s mother Lady Khadija says:

“At the time of Fatima’s birth, I requested women of Koraishi tribe to come and help. They refused because I supported the Messenger of God. As my birth pains grew, to my great surprise, I sighted four strange tall women with halos around them, approaching me. One of them said to me "O Khadija, I am Sarah, the mother of Ishaq, and the other three are, Mary the mother of Christ, Asiya the daughter of Muzahim, and Umm Kalsoom, the sister of Moses. We have all been commanded by God to put our nursing knowledge at your disposal." Saying this, all of them sat around me and rendered the services of midwifery till my daughter Fatimah was born.”

Prophet Muhammad said,

“God is pleased when Fatima is pleased. God is angry when Fatima is angry.”

Prophet also said,

“Fatima is the Leader of Women of Paradise.”

Messenger of God warned,

Fatima is part of me. Whoever hurts her hurts me.”

In her earth life, Fatima was very generous. No beggar who came to her door went away empty handed. Many a times she gave away all her food staying hungry herself.  Fatima was the Perfect wife who loved her husband and never gave him any problem. She was very devoted to Imam Ali. Fatima never asked Ali for anything in her whole life. Ali used to ask Fatima to ask him for things. Fatima she was very happy that Ali was her husband. Fatima was tall, slender and beautiful. She married at the age of 17 and died when she was only 28. She gave birth to 11 Holy Guides of Humanity, the Divine Imams.

The death of her father Mohammad affected Fatima very much. She was sad and mourned her father’s departure from this world. But her suffering increased. She received ill treatment by the government. They confiscated her father properties. She asked for her right of the inheritance of her father’s lands. They flatly refused. The famous land of Fadak was denied to Fatima. They told Fatima that she has no right to her father’s properties. Fatima became angry. She could have brought down the Angels to destroy them immediately. But she did not choose to do that. Rather, Fatima asked her Lord to judge them for the wrong they had done to her and her family. When her husband Ali refused to recognise the new rulers, he was threatened by them. Fatima’s house was besieged by the security agents. It was set on fire. They broke in. Fatima was pushed. She fell behind the burning door. When he husband Ali tried to defend her, he was arrested. They bound Ali with ropes and took him away. He was forced to accept the new leadership. He came home. Fatima was crying. She was severely injured in the attack on her home. She had a miscarriage. Her unborn son Mohsin died. Fatima passed away two months later because of her wounds. She asked Ali to not allow her enemies to take part in her funeral. To prevent them, she asked Ali to bury her secretly at night. Ali carried out the last wishes of his wife. No one knows her grave to this day.

Some Holy Sayings:

Profile of 14 Infallible Religious Authorities

Ali (Peace be on him)

Name: Ali. Haider.
Titles: Al Murtada. Abu Turab. Asadullah. Amir Al Mominin. Imam. Mola.
Nature: Light.
Religion: Islam. Divine and Natural Truth.
Position: Divine Authority. Leader. Imam.
Office: Saviour of Believers. Protector. Guide.
Function: Greatest Warrior. Role Model.
Right: Appointed by God.
Birth: Mecca. Kabah, Holy House of God. Friday, 13 Rajab [25 May 600 CE].
Father: Abu Talib [Imran].
Mother: Lady Fatima bint Asad.
Death: Aged 63. Kufa in Iraq. Monday 21 Ramadan 40 Hijra. [27 January 661 CE]
Cause: Sword. Assassination.
Enemies: Governor Muawiya son of Abu Sufyan. Aisha, wife of Prophet Muhammad.
Shrine: Masjid Ali in downtown Najaf, Iraq.
Status: Master. Alive and Running the Universe.

Famous for:

The First Divine Guide.

Ali is: Soul of the Messenger of God, his Successor, His Brother.
Ali gave glorious sermons, later collected in “Peak of Eloquence” [Nahjul Balagha].

Ali is the Second Aaron.

Holy Prophet Muhammad said:

“O Ali, you are to me as Haroon was to Musa.”

The Prophet also said,

“O Ali, only a believer will love you and only a hypocrite will dislike you.”

God is Guardian of those people who also accept Ali as their Guardian.

Holy Prophet said,

“He who takes me as his Master he takes Ali his Master.”

Holy Prophet said,

“O Ali, only you and your followers will be successful on the Day of Judgement.”

Holy Prophet said,

“Truth follows Ali.”

Life in Brief:

Ali is the First Imam. From Ali’s children God chose Twelve Holy Leaders.

When Prophet Muhammad began to preach moral truths, he was opposed by the pagan idolaters of Mecca. Prophet and his followers suffered persecution for 13 years. But God helped His Prophet through Abu Talib, a good man of integrity. Prophet Muhammad was strengthened. He continued to invite people to the truth. He did not give up his preaching. After death of Abu Talib, his protector, the Prophet left Mecca and went to live in Medina. This is start of new Hijra calendar. Pagans still attacked him. God then gave permission to His Prophet to launch Jihad against the enemies in Mecca. God gave Prophet a warrior and a guardian - Ali. Ali was matchless in bravery and skill. The Prophet fought 5 major battles with help of Ali, and won. Prophet conquered Mecca. Ali purified Kaba the House of God. Prophet asked Ali to throw out of Kaba the idols and statues of false gods. Prophet established God’s law over the two cities. Before death, the Prophet appointed Ali as his successor. Ali was named Leader of the Believers – Ameer Al Momineen.

Some Holy Sayings:


“The greedy one will be disgraced. Telling your difficulties to others will result in your humiliation. He whose tongue is lose will land in trouble.”

“Being under God’s will is your best friend. Best gain is wisdom. Top quality is to know. Reasoning gives best solutions.”

“Charities [Sadaka and Zaka] are the best remedies for diseases and problems.”

“Man is a miracle. He sees with layers of fat, hears with bones, and speaks with flesh.”

 “Live such that when you die people weep for you, and when alive they love your company.”

“Forgive your enemies as a gratitude to God for empowering you to overpower them.”

“Blessings come but they are lost by ungrateful.”

“Unfortunate person is one who could not get few honest friends and then died. Even worse is he who had few honest friends and then lost them.”

“During times of troubles don’t stand out in order to void problems and being used.”


Profile of 14 Infallible Religious Authorities

Hasan (Peace be on him)

Name: Hasan.
Titles: Al Mujtaba. Al Zaki. Shabar.
Nature: Light.
Religion: Islam. Divine and Natural Truth.
Position: Divine Authority. Leader. Imam.
Office: Helper of Believers. Protector. Guide.
Function: Role Model.
Right: Appointed by God.
Birth: Medina. Tuesday 15 Ramadan 3 Hijra. [1 March 625 CE]
Father: Ali, the First Imam.
Mother: Holy Lady Fatima, daughter of Holy Prophet Muhammad.
Death: Aged 46. Medina. Thursday 28 Safar 50 Hijra [670 CE].
Cause: Poison.
Enemies: Muawiya governor of Damascus. Wife Joda.
Shrine: Al Baqi Cemetery in downtown Medina.
Status: Master. Alive and In charge in Heaven.  

Famous for:

The Second Divine Guide.

Hasan is the 2nd Imam, Guide and Leader of Believers.

Life in Brief:

Imam Hasan stopped a major civil war with Muawiya. He made a just deal to prevent further bloodshed of Muslims.

Imam Hasan was the first son of Ali and Fatima. Prophet named him Hasan [Beautiful].

Prophet said, “Hasan and Husayn are leaders of men in Paradise.”

Prophet named his grandsons Hasan and Husayn after the names of Shabar and Shabir, the sons of Moses.  

Some Holy Sayings:

“If you fail to get something materialistic, then think as if you never wanted it.”

 “Love brings closer unrelated people, while hatred causes relatives to go apart.”

Opportunity disappears fast and returns late.”


Profile of 14 Infallible Religious Authorities

Husayn (Peace be on him)

Name: Husayn.
Titles: Sayyid Al Shoda. Shabir.
Nature: Light.
Religion: Islam. Divine and Natural Truth.
Position: Divine Authority. Leader. Imam.
Office: Liberator of People. Saviour of Believers. Guide. Protector.
Function: Role Model. Greatest Martyrdom. Greatest Sacrifice.
Right: Appointed by God.
Birth: Medina. Thursday 3 Shaban 4 Hijra. [8 January 626 CE]
Father: Ali, the First Imam.
Mother: Holy Lady Fatima, daughter of Holy Prophet Muhammad.
Death: Aged 57. Karbala, Iraq. Friday 10 Muharram 61 Hijra [10 October 680 CE].
Cause: Sword.
Enemies: King Yazid, of Omeya Dynasty.
Shrine: Masjid Al Husayn in downtown Karbala, Iraq.
Status: Alive and In charge in Heaven.  

Famous for:

The Third Divine Guide.

[Making the Supreme Sacrifice at Karbala. God stopped Abraham from sacrificing his son Ishmael and gave him a goat to slaughter. God said, I defer your effort to a supreme sacrifice which will be made the future.

Husayn Sacrificing his life and lives of his family ]

Life in Brief:

Husayn lived in reign on the evil king Yazid who demanded his allegiance. When Husayn refused, Yazid ordered his army to kill him. Husayn sacrificed himself for God. He also sacrificed lives of his sons, brother, and nephews. Yazid killed even little children of Imam Husayn. This took place in karabal. Muslims remember the massacre and honour the Martyr the Martyrdom of Imam Husayn.

Some Holy Sayings:

“A true believer does no wrong and does not have to apologize.”


Profile of 14 Infallible Religious Authorities

Ali Zainalabidin (Peace be on him)

Name: Ali.
Titles: Zainalabidin. Sajad.
Nature: Light.
Religion: Islam. Divine and Natural Truth.
Position: Divine Authority. Leader. Imam.
Office: Perfect Guide.
Function: Role Model.
Right: Appointed by God.
Birth: Medina. Saturday 15 Jamadi al Awwal 36 Hijra. [659 CE]
Father: Husayn, the Third Imam.
Mother: Lady Sherbano, [Shahzanan] daughter of King Yazdeger the Third of Persia.
Death: Aged 58. Medina. 25 Muharram 95 Hijra. [713 CE]
Cause: Poison.
Enemies: Kind Walid of Omeya Dynasty.
Shrine: Al Baqi Cemetery in downtown Medina.
Status: Master. Alive and In charge in Heaven.

Famous for:

The Fourth Divine Guide.

Speech before Yazid.

Life in Brief:

Some Holy Sayings:

“Try not to lie even in small matters even as a joke, because one who does will have courage to lie in serious matters.”

“If you do not know something, do not be ashamed of learning it.”

“Trust only in God. You do not need be afraid of God except for your sins.”


Profile of 14 Infallible Religious Authorities

Muhammad Al Baqir (Peace be on him)

Name: Muhammad.
Titles: Al Baqir.
Nature: Light.
Religion: Islam. Divine and Natural Truth.
Position: Divine Authority. Leader. Imam.
Office: . Teacher. Protector. Guide.
Function: Role Model
Right: Appointed by God.
Birth: Medina. Tuesday 1 Rajab 57 Hijra. [676 CE]
Father: Ali Zainalabidin, the Third Imam.
Mother: Lady Fatima, daughter of Imam Al Hasan.
Death: Aged 57. Medina. Monday 7 Dhul Hijja 114 Hijra [733 CE]
Cause: Poison.
Enemies: King Hisham of Omeya Dynasty.
Shrine: Al Baqi Cemetary in downtown Medina.
Status: Master. Alive and In charge in Heaven.  

Famous for:

The Fifth Divine Guide.

Life in Brief:

The fifth Imam began the true teaching of Hadith and History after he was freed from persecution. He had many students who gained knowledge from him. He also taught secrets of spirituality to seekers of truth. He separated truth from falsehood for the first time since the time of Prophet Muhammad. This is why he is known as Al Baqir – The Distinguisher.

Some Holy Sayings:

“Man who does not obey God does not know Him.”
“The real perfection is true understanding of the Will of God.”


“Ink of the Learned is Holier than Blood of the Martyr.”

“The learned man is better than 70,000 praying men.”

“It is not enough to say ‘I am Shia because I love the Prophet and his family’. Shia is the one who is righteous and obeys God’s orders. Shias remember God, study the Quran, pray, fast, help the neighbour, care for orphans, say good things. People trust them. All others are not Shias however much they love Ali.”

“Tongue is the key to all good and evil. Lock it up like gold.”

“You cannot go near God without obeying Him.”

“Lack of patience during problems makes you weak.”


Profile of 14 Infallible Religious Authorities

Jafar Al Sadiq (Peace be on him)

Name: Jafar.
Titles: Al Sadiq. Abu Abdillah.
Nature: Light.
Religion: Islam. Divine and Natural Truth.
Position: Divine Authority. Leader. Imam
Office: Teacher. Protector. Guide.
Function: Role Model.
Right: Appointed by God.
Birth: Medina. Monday 17 Rabi Al Awwal 83 Hijra. [702 CE]
Father: Muhammad Al Baqir, the Fifth Imam.
Mother: Lady Umme Farwa, great-great granddaughter Abu Bakr.
Death: Aged 65. Medina. 25 Shawal 148 Hijra. [765 CE]
Cause: Poison.
Enemies: King Mansur of Abbasi Dynasty.
Shrine: Al Baqi Cemetery in downtown Medina.
Status: Master. Alive and In charge in Heaven.  

Famous for:

The Sixth Divine Guide.

Life in Brief:

Imam Jafar established the first university in Islam. The Sixth Imam had 6000 students from across the muslim world. Sunnis scholars like Abu Hanifa and Malik took lessons from Imam Jafar. Men of science learned from Jafar Al Sadiq mathematics, chemistry and biology. Other students learned history and tradition from the Sixth Imam. Seekers of wisdom gained knowledge about true reason and logic from Imam Jafar. The Sixth Imam gave lessons in philosophy as well as in science, religion and history. When his fame grew, he was killed by the jittery ruler.

Some Holy Sayings:

“True believer is not unjust even in anger. He does not do wrong as favour to anyone. He does not take more than his share even when he has power to do so.”


Profile of 14 Infallible Religious Authorities

Musa Al Kazim (Peace be on him)

Name: Musa.
Titles: Al Kazim.
Nature: Light.
Religion: Islam. Divine and Natural Truth.
Position: Divine Authority. Leader. Imam
Office: Teacher. Protector. Guide.
Function: Role Model.
Right: Appointed by God.
Birth: Abwa, near Ghadir. Sunday 7 Safar 128 Hijra. [746 CE]
Father: Jafar Al Sadiq, the Sixth Imam.
Mother: Lady Hamida. [Nabbata. Lolua.]
Death: Aged 55. Baghdad. 25 Rajab 183 Hijra. [799 CE]
Cause: Poison.
Enemies: King Harun Al Rashid, of Abbasi Dynasty.
Shrine: Al Kazimeya Masjid, in downtown Baghdad.
Status: Master. Alive and In charge in Heaven.  

Famous for:

The Seventh Divine Guide.

Life in Brief:

Generosity was synonymous with his name and no beggar ever returned from his door empty handed. Even after his death, he continued to be obliging and was generous to his devotees who came to his holy tomb with prayers and behests which were invariably granted by God. Thus, one of his additional titles is also "Babul Hawaij" (the door to fulfilling needs).

Some Holy Sayings:

“Best charity is helping the weak.”


Profile of 14 Infallible Religious Authorities

Ali Al Rida (Peace be on him)

Name: Ali.
Titles: Al Raza.
Nature: Light.
Religion: Islam. Divine and Natural Truth.
Position: Divine Authority. Leader. Imam
Office: Teacher. Protector. Guide.
Function: Role Model.
Right: Appointed by God.
Birth: Medina. Thursday 11 Dhul Qida 148 Hijra. [765 CE]
Father: Musa Al Kazim, the Seventh Imam.
Mother: Lady Najma Umm Al Banin. [Taktum. Khayzaran. Arwa.]
Death: Aged 55. Tus [Mashad], in Iran. Tuesday 1 Safar 203 Hijra. [818 CE]
Cause: Poison.
Enemies: King Mamun, of Abbasi Dynasty.
Shrine: Imam Raza Masjid in downtown Mashad, Islamic Republic of Iran.
Status: Master. Alive and In charge in Heaven.  

Famous for:

The Eighth Divine Guide.

Life in Brief:

Imam Raza had many debates with kings and thinkers. To many atheists of his time, Imam Raza proved from reason the existence of God, and they believed. He became very famous. The ruler openly named Imam Raza as his heir. But this was only a trap to get rid of him. Imam Raza was invited to Tus, now Mashad, and poisoned to death. Imam Raza’s sister Fatima Al Masuma was with him. After the assassination of her brother, Fatima travelled back to Medina but died in Qum Iran. Her shrine is in Qum.

Some Holy Sayings:


Profile of 14 Infallible Religious Authorities

Muhammad Al Jawad (Peace be on him)

Name: Muhammad.
Titles: Al Jawad [Generous]. Al Taqi [Pious]
Nature: Light.
Religion: Islam. Divine and Natural Truth.
Position: Divine Authority. Leader. Imam
Office: Teacher. Protector. Guide.
Function: Role Model.
Right: Appointed by God.
Birth: Medina. Friday 10 Rajab 195 Hijra. [811 CE]
Father: Ali Al Raza, the Eighth Imam.
Mother: Lady Sabika [Durrah. Khayzuran. Sukaynah al Nawbiyyah. Al Muraysiyyah. Rayhanah. Umm Walad]
Death: Aged 25. Baghdad. Wednesday 29 Dhul Qidah 220 Hijra. [835 CE]
Cause: Poison.
Enemies: King Mutasim, of Abbasi Dynasty.
Shrine: Al Kazimeya Masjid, in downtown Baghdad.
Status: Master. Alive and In charge in Heaven.  

Famous for:

The Ninth Divine Guide.

Life in Brief:

[Imam Taqi was not allowed to preach truth to the people. He was persecuted and jailed. After the success and fame of previous 8 Holy Imams of the Prophet’s family, the rulers of the Empire were afraid. They did not take any chances with the remaining Imams. Police arrested the Imams and killed them while in jail. Imam Taqi still managed to pass on esoteric knowledge to his loyal followers.]

Some Holy Sayings:

“Trust in God is the value of all that is precious, and means of attaining every good goal.”

“Following your desires means you give in to your enemies wishes.”


Profile of 14 Infallible Religious Authorities

Ali Al Naqi (Peace be on him)

Name: Ali.
Titles: Al Hadi. Al Naqi.
Nature: Light.
Religion: Islam. Divine and Natural Truth.
Position: Divine Authority. Leader. Imam
Office: Teacher. Protector. Guide.
Function: Role Model.
Right: Appointed by God.
Birth: Medina. Friday 2 Rajab 212 Hijra. [827 CE]
Father: Muhammad Al Jawad, the Ninth Imam.
Mother: Lady Sumanah. [Umm al Fadhl. Mariya al Qubtiyya. Yadash. Haweet]
Death: Aged 42. Samarra, Iraq. Monday 26 Jamadi Al Thani 254 Hijra [868 CE]
Cause: Poison.
Enemies: King Mutaz, of Abbasi Dynasty.
Shrine: Al Askariya Masjid in downtown Samarra, Iraq.
Status: Master. Alive and In charge in Heaven.  

Famous for:

The Tenth Divine Guide.

Life in Brief:

[Imam Ali Al Hadi also was not free to preach the truth. Abbasi rulers put him jail for most of his life.]

Some Holy Sayings:


“There are definite places in which Allah likes the servants to supplicate to Him. One of these places is the tomb of Master of Martyrs, Al-Husayn.”

“People will fear him who fears God. He who obeys God will be obeyed. He will not care for anger of others.”

“Man who gets proof from God will not care for worldly troubles if he is cut into pieces.”

“He who forgets to read Bismillah does not pray.”

“Celebrate your gratitude more than the Blessing.”

“God made this world to test you. He made life after death to show you the results. He made trials for gaining good results in the next world. He made rewards to compensate you for putting you though the test.”

“Obey totally those who love and teach you totally.”


Profile of 14 Infallible Religious Authorities

Hasan Al Askari (Peace be on him)

Name: Hasan.
Titles: Al Askari.
Nature: Light.
Religion: Islam. Divine and Natural Truth.
Position: Divine Authority. Leader. Imam
Office: Teacher. Protector. Guide.
Function: Role Model.
Right: Appointed by God.
Birth: Medina. Friday 8 Rabi Al Awwal 232 Hijra [846 CE].
Father: Ali Al Hadi, the Tenth Imam.
Mother: Lady Hadithah [Susan. Sawsan. Saleel. Hareebah].
Death: Aged 28. Samarra, Iraq. Friday 8 Rabi Al Awwal 260 Hijra [874 CE].
Cause: Posion.
Enemies: King Mutamid, of Abbasi Dynasty.
Shrine: Al Askariya Masjid in downtown Samarra, Iraq.
Status: Master. Alive and In charge in Heaven.  

Famous for:

The Eleventh Divine Guide.

Life in Brief:

[Imam Al Askari was placed under restrictions. He lived in hiding and dissimulation (taqiyyah). He did not have any social contact with even the common people among his Shias. He spent most of his live in prison. Even under persecution, Imam Hasan Al Askari revealed the important parts of history and teachings of Islam to believers. He wrote commentary on the Holy Quran called Tafir Al Askari.]

Some Holy Sayings:

“Do not do anything that you would dislike if done by others.”


Profile of 14 Infallible Religious Authorities

Muhammad Al Mahdi (Peace be on him)

Name: Muhammad.
Titles: Imam. Al Mahdi. Al Kaim. Al Hujjah. Al Ghaib.
Sahib Al Zaman. Sahib Al Amr. Imam Al Asr.

Nature: Light.
Religion: Islam. Divine and Natural Truth.
Position: Divine Authority. Leader. Imam.
Office: King. Saviour. Judge. Ruler of Earth.
Function: Establish Kingdom of God on Earth.
Right: Appointed by God.
Birth: Samarra, Iraq. Friday 15 Shaban 255 Hijra. [869 CE]
Father: Hasan Al Askari, the Eleventh Imam.
Mother: Lady Narjis. [Susan. Raihana. Saqeel. Khamt.]
Death: [--] [Undead. Immortal. Still Alive. Invisible].
Cause: [--].
Enemies: Terminator Dajjal, Vicious Creature The One Eyed Monster.
Shrine: [--].
Status: Master. Alive and Ruling the Universe.  

Famous for:

The Twelfth Divine Guide.

The Saviour of the Earth. The Messiah whole world is waiting for.

Life in Brief:

Imam Al Mahdi is due to return to Earth when God gives him that order. He and Jesus will be told by God to go and establish the Divine Law upon the Earth. Imam Mahdi is the last of the Twelve Imams whose coming was foretold by Prophet Muhammad. Jesus will serve Mahdi.

The Imam will be opposed by Dajjal, a horrible but very clever creature who is known as the one eyed monster. The creature will terminate many innocent people. However, Imam will win. Dajjal will be destroyed. The Terminator will be terminated. Those people who would side with the creature will also be killed. Then will begin on Earth the Divine reign of peace and happiness.

The Messenger of God prophesied the coming of 12 Divine Leaders:

The Prophet said, “After me there will be Twelve Caliphs.” 

The Prophet told Jabir names of the twelve leaders:

“O Jabir, they are my twelve successors who will come after me. First of them will be Ali, then Hasan, Husayn, Ali ibn Husayn, Muhammad bin Ali, whom you will meet, say my salam to him, after him Jafar ibn Muhammad, then Musa ibn Jafar, Ali ibn Musa, Muhammad ibn Ali, Ali ibn Muhammad, Hasan ibn Ali and lastly Muhammad al Qaim.”

Prophet said,

“After me will come Twelve religious leaders, all of whom will be from my tribe of Koraish.”

The Twelve Imams are these sacred personalities and spiritual leaders about whom the Holy Prophet had prophesied. Prophet pointed them out as the source and means of guidance for mankind. Twelve Imams provide security for the Earth.

The Holy Prophet said,

“This World shall remain so long as my Twelve successors govern it.”

