
Shia women most loved


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Why Shia women feel most loved and respected

by Saklayn [2008]

Shia faith women feel most loved women in the world.
They feel most respected of all women.
Despite life's difficulties, women of Shia faith live the most fulfilled and happy lives.
They have least amount of depression. Why?
The answer is the attitude of men towards these women.
Shia Faith has given women what they were looking for.
Respect. Love. Dignity and Honour.
They receive genuine respect from believing men.
They also have perfect faith in God, and this satisfies their soul's spiritual needs.
Women of Shia Faith, being true believing ladies, they have recieved the Light of God.
This is a special blessing of our Holy Lady - Fatima Al Zahra. Peace be upon her, on her children, on her parents and on all those who respect her and follow her.
The Lady of Light has, through her love and admiration of women of Shia Faith, granted them truly honourable life.
These pious women feel that they are loved more than life itself. They feel cherished more than treasure.
They are nearest to God, and they are nearest to men's hearts.
Their sons revere them. Their husbands love them, and fulfil all their dreams. Their parents are proud to call them true daughters.
These graceful ladies protect their honour with clothes of purity. They speak justly. They strive to make better place. They show love fellow human beings. They act wisely. They are generous. They are patience in difficulty.
These believing ladies live with honour, and they leave with honour when their time comes.Their existence is one of joy and contentment. And in the next life, Lord's Angels bow before their feet.
They enter Garden of Paradise to be with Holy Ones for ever.
Women of Shia Faith are the greatest women in this world.
They are the honourable ladies whom God created.Whom men love to make their wives. Whom brothers love to call their sisters. Whom fathers are proud to call their daughters. And whom sons cherish as their mothers.
President declared before the world leaders at UN that our women are freest in the world. They are the most independent of all women.
Thank you, O Fatima Zahra, for granting grace and glory to women.

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