
Divine Choice

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I am God. There is no other God besides Me. I have no equals. I have power over all things. Guidance belongs to me. I guide whom I will. I do not guide liars and unjust people. Sovereignty belong to Me. I give it to whom I chose. I chose whom I will. No one can represent Me unless I chose him. I chose Adam. I chose Abraham. I chose Moses. I chose Jesus. I chose Mohammed. He is my Prophet. He is my Messenger. Listen to him and obey him.

Only some people followed the guidance sent down by God. Most people rejected God’s chosen people. They made their own laws. God gave them a chance to repent, or face misery in this world and Hell in the hereafter.


I am Messenger of God. He has chosen me as His Prophet. I bring you guidance from God. Who will help me in my mission? Ali pledged support. Mohammed said, Ali is my brother, my deputy and my successor, Listen to him and obey him. God is your Master. I am you Master. Those who accept me as their Master must accept Ali as their Master. Ali is Commander of the Faithful. Ali is Leader of the Believers.

Abu Bakr:

I am the new leader. We cannot make Ali our leader. Ali is cousin of Prophet. Rule cannot be inherited. People must chose. I name Omar to be the ruler after me.

Ali did not accept as legitimate any ruler beside himself. However, Ali did not fight them for his leadership if they didn’t fight him.


I am the new leader. After me a committee will decide who leads.

Committee chose Osman.


I am the new ruler. I appoint Muawiya to be governor or Syria. I name men of my Omeya family to be the governors of towns and cities.

Osman’s governors caused corruption through the land.

Osman was killed by protestors.

People chose Ali as their leader.

Muawiya named himself as next ruler.

Muslim nation is split in two groups. Party of Ali. Party of Muqwiya.


I am the legitimate leader of humanity. If you do not accept me, it is up to you. I will not harm you. Hasan is your true leader after me. Listen to him and obey him.


Ali, accept me or I will kill you.

Ali is killed.

Muawiya takes power.


Hasan, accept me or I will kill you.

Hasan names Husayn as true leader of humanity.

Hasan is killed.

Muawiya keeps power.

Muwiya names Yazid as next ruler.


Husayn, accept me or die.

Husayn is names Zainalabidin as true leader of humanity.

Husayn is butchered in Karbala.

At the end of time, God will send His last representative, the Messiah. He will establish Law of God in the world. He will restore complete justice and peace upon the Earth. 

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