Moon Dates
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RAMADAN - EID UL FITR - MOHARRAM [ 2010 - 2020 ]
Year - Ramadan - Eid - Moharram
2010 – Aug 12 – Sep 10 – Dec 8
2011 – Aug 01 – Sep 01 – Nov 27
2012 – Jul 21 – Aug 20 – Nov 16
2013 – Jul 10 – Aug 09 – Nov 05
2014 – Jun 29 – Jul 29 – Oct 26
2015 – Jun 19 – Jul 18 – Oct 15
2016 – Jun 07 – Jul 06 – Oct 03
2017 – May 28 – Jun 26 – Sep 22
2018 – May 17 – Jun 16 – Sep 12
2019 – May 07 – Jun 06 – Sep 01
2020 – Apr 25 – May 25 – Aug 21
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Jan 23 7.39
Feb 21 22.35
Mar 22 14.37
Apr 21 7.18
May 20 23.47
Jun 19 15.02
Jul 19 4.24
Aug 17 15.54
Sep 16 2.11
Oct 15 12.02
Nov 13 22.08
Dec 13 8.42
Jan 11 19.44
Feb 10 7.20
Mar 11 19.51
Apr 10 9.35
May 10 0.28
Jun 8 15.56
Jul 8 7.14
Aug 6 21.51
Sep 5 11.36
Oct 5 0.34
Nov 3 12.50
Dec 3 0.22
Jan 1 11.14
Jan 30 21.38
Mar 1 8.00
Mar 30 18.45
Apr 29 6.14
May 28 18.40
Jun 27 8.08
Jul 26 22.42
Aug 25 14.13
Sep 24 6.14
Oct 23 21.57
Nov 22 12 32
Dec 22 1 36
Jan 30 21.38
Mar 1 8.00
Mar 30 18.45
Apr 29 6.14
May 28 18.40
Jun 27 8.08
Jul 26 22.42
Aug 25 14.13
Sep 24 6.14
Oct 23 21.57
Nov 22 12 32
Dec 22 1 36
Jan 20 13.14
Feb 18 23.47
Mar 20 9.36
Apr 18 18.57
May 18 4.13
Jun 16 14.05
Jul 16 1.24
Aug 14 14.53
Sep 13 6.41
Oct 13 0.06
Nov 11 17.47
Dec 11 10.29
Feb 18 23.47
Mar 20 9.36
Apr 18 18.57
May 18 4.13
Jun 16 14.05
Jul 16 1.24
Aug 14 14.53
Sep 13 6.41
Oct 13 0.06
Nov 11 17.47
Dec 11 10.29
Leaflet 3
Ashura Leaflet 3
This is a public leaflet on the sacrifice of Imam Husain and his holy family. It contains information about the Ashura and Karbala, and is;distributed on days of commemorations of the Holy Family.
God bless the Holy Family and their mourners.
* * * * *
The Martydom of Imam Husain at Karbala
This is a day of remembrance, a day of mourning. We are marking the terrible massacre of God’s chosen people.
We believe this life is about a battle between two forces – good and evil. Our fate depends on how we act. You can’t be good if you side with wrong. Husain, like Jesus, was perfectly good. He was sinless. Infallible. Husain was God’s own beloved Saint. He said that good men never submit to evil.
Yazeed was a bad seed, a follower of the Devil. He wanted to subdue Husain, to make him kneel, and then rule the world. Husain said I have bowed before God. I cannot bow to a tyrant like you. I would rather die. And he proved it by sacrificing his life for God. This was October 680 A.D.
Today, we honour Husain and his family. God bless them. Every year, in every city, people come out in the streets to pay their respects to this holy family. Men and boys cry and beat their chests. We weep for those we love. We recite eulogies for Husain. We read poems for his children who were cut to pieces by forces of Yazeed. Husain paid the ultimate price to save us from evil. Today we are free because of Husain. A thousand years later, we still cry for our Imam. This ceremony marks the Karbala massacre.
Background story:
When Yazeed became king, he demanded loyalty from Husain. Evil always needs approval from a man of God in order to get legitimacy. This has always been the nature of evil. Even today we see evil men try to seek endorsement from God's men.
Husain said to Yazeed I love good people. I shall never betray them. I refuse to accept any evil leader. You can cut off my head but you can't take my soul. I will never sell myself to the dark side. My blood will protect humanity from darkness. Husain prepared his family. And with a cause most just and noble, Husain decided to die. Yazeed decided to kill.
Under threats, Husain and his family left their home. While travelling in the desert, they were ambushed by troops near Karbala in Iraq. Soldiers demanded that Husain either accept Yazeed or die. Husain again refused. He said leave me alone. Do not ask me to accept Yazeed. Light cannot accept darkness. Yazeed's army decided to finish this perfect man.
First, they cut off Husain's water supply from the river Euphrates. In the hot desert, Husain’s family began to suffer terrible thirst. Then the killings began. One by one, the holy family was butchered. All were killed - children, nephews, brothers. Even Husain’s six month old baby Ali Asghar was not spared. They fired an arrow into the baby’s neck, killing him in his father’s arms.
Watching their sons die, mothers wept. Sisters saw their brothers slaughtered. Total of 72 people were killed. Finally, the soldiers killed Imam Husain. Then they cut off the heads. Army ran their horses on headless corpses of the holy people. God watched it all. Why?
God says He loves His true Believers. He wanted to bless them more. He stopped Abraham from sacrifising his son Ishmael; and asked Imam Husain for a “Supreme Sacrifice” for love of believers. Husain fulfilled the Divine wish. With the price of his blood, he gave believers freedom and honour.
Blood of Husain protects believers. It forever strengthens good men. Now, whoever understands and loves Husain will have an honourable life. His perfect model saves mankind even today. With martyrdom of Husain, the good achieved victory over the dark side. Today we mark this greatest sacrifice in human history.
For those who follow Husain: Every day is Ashura. Every land Karbala.
After the brutal massacre at Karbala, Husain's sister Zainab, along with other women of Husain's family, were taken prisoner. Their hands were tied by the soldiers. The holy ladies were dragged on foot across the desert to the palace of Yazeed. But instead of collapsing from trauma and stress, Zainab did not give up in this terrible ordeal. This brave daughter of Imam Ali, the Lion of God, stood firm. Though she was persecuted and oppressed, Zainab did not lose faith in Almighty God. She delievered an historic and defiant speech in the court of Yazeed. Zainab's courageous words prevented the truth from being lost. God bless her. It is through the efforts of this pious lady that the world became aware how her brother's martyrdom achieved Divine Victory against evil.
by: Saklayn, U.K.
For more information, email:
* * * * *
[ This leaflet was dedicated to all the innocent victims who
were murdered during the Israeli attack on Gaza in January 2009.]
Ashura Leaflet 3
This is a public leaflet on the sacrifice of Imam Husain and his holy family. It contains information about the Ashura and Karbala, and is;distributed on days of commemorations of the Holy Family.
God bless the Holy Family and their mourners.
* * * * *
The Martydom of Imam Husain at Karbala
This is a day of remembrance, a day of mourning. We are marking the terrible massacre of God’s chosen people.
We believe this life is about a battle between two forces – good and evil. Our fate depends on how we act. You can’t be good if you side with wrong. Husain, like Jesus, was perfectly good. He was sinless. Infallible. Husain was God’s own beloved Saint. He said that good men never submit to evil.
Yazeed was a bad seed, a follower of the Devil. He wanted to subdue Husain, to make him kneel, and then rule the world. Husain said I have bowed before God. I cannot bow to a tyrant like you. I would rather die. And he proved it by sacrificing his life for God. This was October 680 A.D.
Today, we honour Husain and his family. God bless them. Every year, in every city, people come out in the streets to pay their respects to this holy family. Men and boys cry and beat their chests. We weep for those we love. We recite eulogies for Husain. We read poems for his children who were cut to pieces by forces of Yazeed. Husain paid the ultimate price to save us from evil. Today we are free because of Husain. A thousand years later, we still cry for our Imam. This ceremony marks the Karbala massacre.
Background story:
When Yazeed became king, he demanded loyalty from Husain. Evil always needs approval from a man of God in order to get legitimacy. This has always been the nature of evil. Even today we see evil men try to seek endorsement from God's men.
Husain said to Yazeed I love good people. I shall never betray them. I refuse to accept any evil leader. You can cut off my head but you can't take my soul. I will never sell myself to the dark side. My blood will protect humanity from darkness. Husain prepared his family. And with a cause most just and noble, Husain decided to die. Yazeed decided to kill.
Under threats, Husain and his family left their home. While travelling in the desert, they were ambushed by troops near Karbala in Iraq. Soldiers demanded that Husain either accept Yazeed or die. Husain again refused. He said leave me alone. Do not ask me to accept Yazeed. Light cannot accept darkness. Yazeed's army decided to finish this perfect man.
First, they cut off Husain's water supply from the river Euphrates. In the hot desert, Husain’s family began to suffer terrible thirst. Then the killings began. One by one, the holy family was butchered. All were killed - children, nephews, brothers. Even Husain’s six month old baby Ali Asghar was not spared. They fired an arrow into the baby’s neck, killing him in his father’s arms.
Watching their sons die, mothers wept. Sisters saw their brothers slaughtered. Total of 72 people were killed. Finally, the soldiers killed Imam Husain. Then they cut off the heads. Army ran their horses on headless corpses of the holy people. God watched it all. Why?
God says He loves His true Believers. He wanted to bless them more. He stopped Abraham from sacrifising his son Ishmael; and asked Imam Husain for a “Supreme Sacrifice” for love of believers. Husain fulfilled the Divine wish. With the price of his blood, he gave believers freedom and honour.
Blood of Husain protects believers. It forever strengthens good men. Now, whoever understands and loves Husain will have an honourable life. His perfect model saves mankind even today. With martyrdom of Husain, the good achieved victory over the dark side. Today we mark this greatest sacrifice in human history.
For those who follow Husain: Every day is Ashura. Every land Karbala.
After the brutal massacre at Karbala, Husain's sister Zainab, along with other women of Husain's family, were taken prisoner. Their hands were tied by the soldiers. The holy ladies were dragged on foot across the desert to the palace of Yazeed. But instead of collapsing from trauma and stress, Zainab did not give up in this terrible ordeal. This brave daughter of Imam Ali, the Lion of God, stood firm. Though she was persecuted and oppressed, Zainab did not lose faith in Almighty God. She delievered an historic and defiant speech in the court of Yazeed. Zainab's courageous words prevented the truth from being lost. God bless her. It is through the efforts of this pious lady that the world became aware how her brother's martyrdom achieved Divine Victory against evil.
by: Saklayn, U.K.
For more information, email:
* * * * *
[ This leaflet was dedicated to all the innocent victims who
were murdered during the Israeli attack on Gaza in January 2009.]

Leaflet 4
God is the Creator of the Universe; and Mohammed is His messenger. Husain is the holy grandson of Prophet Mohammed. Like Jesus, Husain is pure, sinless and perfect. He was killed in year 680 because he stood for liberty and justice. Today, we mark his death.
Husain had refused to accept Yazid who was an evil king. Yazid demanded Husain to recognise him. Husain said: A man like me can never accept a man like you. Yazid then threatened him. Husain said: I would rather die as a free man than live as a slave. Husain then called his family and prepared them to leave Yazid’s empire. But Husain and his caravan was stopped at Karbala. They were deprived of water. Then Yazid’s soldiers started to kill them one by one. Husain’s sons and nephews were brutally killed in front of him. His friends and followers were also massacred. Husain was given one last chance to submit to Yazid. He said: I will not bow to tyranny. One day I will face God. Husain then made a final prayer to God thanking Him an opportunity to die in His cause. Husain was brutally murdered. Soldiers slaughtered Husain like a goat. Women cried loudly as they watched this horrible scene on the day of Ashura. They were taken as prisoners and dragged to Yazid’s palace.
This sacrifice of Husain is remembered every year. People march on every town and city across the world. Men and women mourn the death of Husain. He said: Honourable death is better than life of disgrace. He taught us to live free and stand for justice.
Husain's motto was: Even if you have no religion, live free.
Yazid’s rule of terror was destroyed by the Husaini revolution. Husain stopped the army of darkness with his blood. Yazid and his Umayyad Dynasty were set to take over and enslave Europe. World owes great debt to Husain. Peace be upon Husain. God bless him forever.
For questions or comments, email:
God is the Creator of the Universe; and Mohammed is His messenger. Husain is the holy grandson of Prophet Mohammed. Like Jesus, Husain is pure, sinless and perfect. He was killed in year 680 because he stood for liberty and justice. Today, we mark his death.
Husain had refused to accept Yazid who was an evil king. Yazid demanded Husain to recognise him. Husain said: A man like me can never accept a man like you. Yazid then threatened him. Husain said: I would rather die as a free man than live as a slave. Husain then called his family and prepared them to leave Yazid’s empire. But Husain and his caravan was stopped at Karbala. They were deprived of water. Then Yazid’s soldiers started to kill them one by one. Husain’s sons and nephews were brutally killed in front of him. His friends and followers were also massacred. Husain was given one last chance to submit to Yazid. He said: I will not bow to tyranny. One day I will face God. Husain then made a final prayer to God thanking Him an opportunity to die in His cause. Husain was brutally murdered. Soldiers slaughtered Husain like a goat. Women cried loudly as they watched this horrible scene on the day of Ashura. They were taken as prisoners and dragged to Yazid’s palace.
This sacrifice of Husain is remembered every year. People march on every town and city across the world. Men and women mourn the death of Husain. He said: Honourable death is better than life of disgrace. He taught us to live free and stand for justice.
Husain's motto was: Even if you have no religion, live free.
Yazid’s rule of terror was destroyed by the Husaini revolution. Husain stopped the army of darkness with his blood. Yazid and his Umayyad Dynasty were set to take over and enslave Europe. World owes great debt to Husain. Peace be upon Husain. God bless him forever.
For questions or comments, email:
Photo of Horse
Leaflet 5
We Shia Muslims are marking the anniversary of killing of our holy family. We weep and mourn for them. They were murdered 1400 years ago. This is their brief account.
Ruthless tyrant Moaweya died in 680. He appointed his evil son Yazid as his heir. Both father and son were brutal enemies of Prophet and his descendents. Moaweya had killed Hasan and Ali. He also butchered thousands of followers of Ali. Now, Yazid set is Satanic eyes on the remaining bloodline of the holy family.
Husain was the last holy grandson of Mohammed. As soon Yazid became ruler, he ordered Husain to give him allegiance. Husain refused to recognise the dictator. Yazid threatened Husain. He thought Husain would give up under pressure. But Husain was pure Saint of God. He would rather die then submit to an oppressive ruler. He knew what kind of evil Yazid was. Therefore, Husain prepared his family for sacrifice in the way of God. Martyrdom of Husain was prophesised in ancient book such as the Bible.
When Husain denied Yazid, he had to leave his town. he went to Karbala. Husain and his family caravan was ambused. Yazid’s army at Karbala slaughtered Husain. Soldiers also killed 72 loyal of Husain. These men were from among Husain's family and friends. Yazid’s soldiers butchered the family of God’s Messenger. Women were taken as captured and dragged to Yazid.
Yazid tried to hide his evil murder at Karbala. But Husain’s sister Zainab gave a remarkable speech in Yazid’s palace. She exposed Yazid and the massacre of Prophet’s grandson. Zainab’s defiant speech shook the foundations of Yazid’s kingdom. Popular revolution followed in which Yazid was removed from power.
Husain and Zainab caused the collapse of the oppressive Omeyad dynasty. Husain stood for freedom, piety and justice. His brave sister Zainab saved his sacrifice. She prevented martyrdom from being wasted. Peace be upon holy brother and sister.
Today millions of people visit their shrines to honour the holy siblings. People all over the world mourn Husain. Every year we remember Karbala.
For questions or comments, email:
We Shia Muslims are marking the anniversary of killing of our holy family. We weep and mourn for them. They were murdered 1400 years ago. This is their brief account.
Ruthless tyrant Moaweya died in 680. He appointed his evil son Yazid as his heir. Both father and son were brutal enemies of Prophet and his descendents. Moaweya had killed Hasan and Ali. He also butchered thousands of followers of Ali. Now, Yazid set is Satanic eyes on the remaining bloodline of the holy family.
Husain was the last holy grandson of Mohammed. As soon Yazid became ruler, he ordered Husain to give him allegiance. Husain refused to recognise the dictator. Yazid threatened Husain. He thought Husain would give up under pressure. But Husain was pure Saint of God. He would rather die then submit to an oppressive ruler. He knew what kind of evil Yazid was. Therefore, Husain prepared his family for sacrifice in the way of God. Martyrdom of Husain was prophesised in ancient book such as the Bible.
When Husain denied Yazid, he had to leave his town. he went to Karbala. Husain and his family caravan was ambused. Yazid’s army at Karbala slaughtered Husain. Soldiers also killed 72 loyal of Husain. These men were from among Husain's family and friends. Yazid’s soldiers butchered the family of God’s Messenger. Women were taken as captured and dragged to Yazid.
Yazid tried to hide his evil murder at Karbala. But Husain’s sister Zainab gave a remarkable speech in Yazid’s palace. She exposed Yazid and the massacre of Prophet’s grandson. Zainab’s defiant speech shook the foundations of Yazid’s kingdom. Popular revolution followed in which Yazid was removed from power.
Husain and Zainab caused the collapse of the oppressive Omeyad dynasty. Husain stood for freedom, piety and justice. His brave sister Zainab saved his sacrifice. She prevented martyrdom from being wasted. Peace be upon holy brother and sister.
Today millions of people visit their shrines to honour the holy siblings. People all over the world mourn Husain. Every year we remember Karbala.
For questions or comments, email:
Pic Books
Leaflet 6
Long ago, the evil tyrant Yazid became King in 680. He immediately decided to kill Saint Husayn, who had refused to accept him as legitimate ruler. Husayn knew his end was near. He prepared his devotees for impending martyrdom.
On 10th of Moharram, known as Ashura, the King’s soldiers surrounded Husayn and his men in the desert of Karbala in Iraq. Husayn led his men in final prayer.
The pious disciples of Husayn were first to die for their Holy Saint. One by one they all laid down their lives. Husayn said God gave me disciples the likes of whom He gave no one else. Husayn's companions were not like companions of the Prophet, or like the companions of Jesus. Those men fled their masters in time of need. Disciples of Husayn stood by him in critical time of danger. They all sacrificed themselves for Husayn on the day of Karbala.
First person from Husayn's own family to die was his elder son. He came forward and sought permission from his father to go into the battlefield and die for God. His name was Ali Al Akbar. He was 18 years old. Husayn immediately granted him his consent. Akbar went and fought bravely. He stood no chance against the whole army of Ibn Saad. Slaughter of Husayn’s son was a brutal slaying. They not only killed him, they cut him to pieces. Husayn came and collected his son's corpse. Akbar’s body was cut and mutilated by the enemy soldiers.
After Akbar was slain, then came foward nephew of Husayn. He was Qasim the son of Hasan. He asked permission to go and fight the enemies of God. Husayn said to his nephew, how can I give you permission, you are my brother's son. Qasim insisted. He was only 14 years old. He wanted to defend his uncle and defend the religion of God. Religion which his great-grandfather had preached. Husayn wept. Finally he gave his permission. Qasim went and fought as best he could. He was killed the soldiers of Ibn Saad.
Thus, one by one, Husayn's closest family members were slaughtered on the plain of Karbala.
Abbas was brother of Husyan. He was Husayn’s standard-bearer. Abbas was the bravest warrior among the Arabs. He was 40 years old. He came to his master Husayn to ask permission to go and fight. Husayn refused Abbas. Husayn said you are backbone of my family. O Abbas you are hopes of our holy ladies. Ladies live and breathe when they see you alive. They will die if you die. I cannot let you go. Abbas obeyed Husayn. Husayn’s camp has no water. Husayn's daughter Sakina aged 6 was crying of thirst. Enemy soldiers had cut off the water supply from Husayn's family. She asked Abbas to bring him some water from the river. The river Euphrates flowed 300 yards away. Ibn Saad blocked it. Abbas asked Husayn’s persmission to let him go and bring some water. Husayn finally agreed. Husayn hugged Abbas and bid him farewell. Abbas sneaked passed enemy soldiers. He succeeded in reaching the river. Abbas filled his leather container with water. He was also very thirty. He put his hands in water to taste it. Suddenly he lifted his hands out of the river. He quickly spilled the water in his palms. He remembered little Sakina. She has no water. She was still very thirsty. How could Abbas taste water while his niece was crying for water? Abbas said I would not drink until Sakina has had her drink. Abbas spilled the water from his hands and remained thirsty himself. He wanted Sakina and Zainab to taste the water before he would. He began his return to the camp. On the way back Ibn Saad’s men ambushed Abbas. They cut his hands. Then the soldiers cut off his left and right arm. He bled to death. Husayn saw his brother's corpse. He said my back is now broken. He carried Abbas back to the camp.
It was time for Husayn to also lay down his life. Husayn's youngest son was aged 6 months. His name was Ali al Asgar. He was very thirsty. Husayn carried him and went to the army of Ibn Saad. He showed them the little baby and requested they give him some water. He said surely this infant has done no wrong. He said I would leave him on this rock if you think I will take his drink. As Husayn stepped back. Ibn Saad ordered his men to kill the child. Archer fired an arrow it went through the baby's neck. Husayn carried the child back to the camp. I do now know how to tell his mother that her baby's neck is pierced with an arrow. He simply said to God we belong and to Him we shall return.
Husayn then mounted his horse and bade farewell to the women of his family. They wept as he left them. His daughter Sakina cried the most. She wailed to her father. O father dont leave me...
Husayn was met with arrows. Soldiers fired dozens of arrows on the body on Husayn. He fell off his horse. There were so many arrows piercing his body, that it did not touch the ground when he fell. He was still alive. One evil man came and cut his throat. Husayn bled as he looked at his killer. He thanked God that he had been this opportunity to stay true to the truth. Another soldier came and cut off the head of Husayn. Then general ordered his troops to run the horses on his body. The army of darkness trampled their horses upon the holy body of Husayn. God bless Husayn and his lineage. He is defender of truth and saviour of humanity. Husayn is the real hero mankind.
For more information go to the website:
Long ago, the evil tyrant Yazid became King in 680. He immediately decided to kill Saint Husayn, who had refused to accept him as legitimate ruler. Husayn knew his end was near. He prepared his devotees for impending martyrdom.
On 10th of Moharram, known as Ashura, the King’s soldiers surrounded Husayn and his men in the desert of Karbala in Iraq. Husayn led his men in final prayer.
The pious disciples of Husayn were first to die for their Holy Saint. One by one they all laid down their lives. Husayn said God gave me disciples the likes of whom He gave no one else. Husayn's companions were not like companions of the Prophet, or like the companions of Jesus. Those men fled their masters in time of need. Disciples of Husayn stood by him in critical time of danger. They all sacrificed themselves for Husayn on the day of Karbala.
First person from Husayn's own family to die was his elder son. He came forward and sought permission from his father to go into the battlefield and die for God. His name was Ali Al Akbar. He was 18 years old. Husayn immediately granted him his consent. Akbar went and fought bravely. He stood no chance against the whole army of Ibn Saad. Slaughter of Husayn’s son was a brutal slaying. They not only killed him, they cut him to pieces. Husayn came and collected his son's corpse. Akbar’s body was cut and mutilated by the enemy soldiers.
After Akbar was slain, then came foward nephew of Husayn. He was Qasim the son of Hasan. He asked permission to go and fight the enemies of God. Husayn said to his nephew, how can I give you permission, you are my brother's son. Qasim insisted. He was only 14 years old. He wanted to defend his uncle and defend the religion of God. Religion which his great-grandfather had preached. Husayn wept. Finally he gave his permission. Qasim went and fought as best he could. He was killed the soldiers of Ibn Saad.
Thus, one by one, Husayn's closest family members were slaughtered on the plain of Karbala.
Abbas was brother of Husyan. He was Husayn’s standard-bearer. Abbas was the bravest warrior among the Arabs. He was 40 years old. He came to his master Husayn to ask permission to go and fight. Husayn refused Abbas. Husayn said you are backbone of my family. O Abbas you are hopes of our holy ladies. Ladies live and breathe when they see you alive. They will die if you die. I cannot let you go. Abbas obeyed Husayn. Husayn’s camp has no water. Husayn's daughter Sakina aged 6 was crying of thirst. Enemy soldiers had cut off the water supply from Husayn's family. She asked Abbas to bring him some water from the river. The river Euphrates flowed 300 yards away. Ibn Saad blocked it. Abbas asked Husayn’s persmission to let him go and bring some water. Husayn finally agreed. Husayn hugged Abbas and bid him farewell. Abbas sneaked passed enemy soldiers. He succeeded in reaching the river. Abbas filled his leather container with water. He was also very thirty. He put his hands in water to taste it. Suddenly he lifted his hands out of the river. He quickly spilled the water in his palms. He remembered little Sakina. She has no water. She was still very thirsty. How could Abbas taste water while his niece was crying for water? Abbas said I would not drink until Sakina has had her drink. Abbas spilled the water from his hands and remained thirsty himself. He wanted Sakina and Zainab to taste the water before he would. He began his return to the camp. On the way back Ibn Saad’s men ambushed Abbas. They cut his hands. Then the soldiers cut off his left and right arm. He bled to death. Husayn saw his brother's corpse. He said my back is now broken. He carried Abbas back to the camp.
It was time for Husayn to also lay down his life. Husayn's youngest son was aged 6 months. His name was Ali al Asgar. He was very thirsty. Husayn carried him and went to the army of Ibn Saad. He showed them the little baby and requested they give him some water. He said surely this infant has done no wrong. He said I would leave him on this rock if you think I will take his drink. As Husayn stepped back. Ibn Saad ordered his men to kill the child. Archer fired an arrow it went through the baby's neck. Husayn carried the child back to the camp. I do now know how to tell his mother that her baby's neck is pierced with an arrow. He simply said to God we belong and to Him we shall return.
Husayn then mounted his horse and bade farewell to the women of his family. They wept as he left them. His daughter Sakina cried the most. She wailed to her father. O father dont leave me...
Husayn was met with arrows. Soldiers fired dozens of arrows on the body on Husayn. He fell off his horse. There were so many arrows piercing his body, that it did not touch the ground when he fell. He was still alive. One evil man came and cut his throat. Husayn bled as he looked at his killer. He thanked God that he had been this opportunity to stay true to the truth. Another soldier came and cut off the head of Husayn. Then general ordered his troops to run the horses on his body. The army of darkness trampled their horses upon the holy body of Husayn. God bless Husayn and his lineage. He is defender of truth and saviour of humanity. Husayn is the real hero mankind.
For more information go to the website:
Leaflet 7
Husain and Zainab
Killing of Grandson of Mohammed
God had sent many prophets to guide humanity. God sent holy men such as Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammed. Through his messengers, God told us how to live a happy life in this world and get eternal life in Paradise. Mohammed was the last messenger of God. God revealed his own divine book to Mohammed. It is called the Holy Koran. When Mohammed passed away, he asked us all to follow Ali after him. Some men rejected Ali. They took control of the government by force. Ali was the wise saint of God. He did not fight when they took away his legal right.
History books tells us how within fifty years, the new Caliphs had thoroughly corrupted God’s message and teachings of His holy prophet. They stole his daughter’s property, attacked her home, went to war with his true successor, and persecuted the holy family to the ends of the earth. In fact, the ability of a muslim ruler to openly murder the grandson of Mohammed exposes the full scale degradation that had occurred among prophet’s early companions. The sixth ruler Muaweya, of the Omayya tribe, went to war with Ali. He told Yazid to get rid of his son Husayn. Below is a brief account of how Yazid killed Husayn.
Murder of saint Husayn took place on 10th day of the lunar month of Moharram, in the year 680. He was killed near the river Euphrates in Iraq. On one side were supporters and relatives of Husayn, on the other side was a military detachment from the forces of Yazid, the Omayyad King.
The Martyrdom at Karbala is commemorated during an annual ten day period held every Muharram on its tenth day, Ashura.
The sixth Sunni Caliph, Muaweya, died after 40 years of ruthless tyrannical reign. On his deathbed, Muaweya violated democratic traditions of Islam. He appointed his son Yazid as his successor, thus establishing a dynasty. Both were ruthless dictators. They did not care for the innocents. They had everyone whom they disliked killed. Yazid was Hitler of his time, groomed to invade and enslave nations. Yazid was ready to take over the world by force. But he needed legitimacy. Without Husayn’s backing, people would never truly accept Yazid. As to exactly how Muaweya had himself managed to deceive people for forty years, is, of course, another significant historical episode drenched in blood, treachery and betrayal. In any case, Muaweya was now dying. He tried to secure his son’s political survival. Therefore, he pressured religious clerics to pledge allegiance to Yazid. The most significant threat to this dynastic rule was Husayn, son of Ali. Muaweya knew that Husyan’s support was essential, since he was the only living grandson of the prophet Mohammed. In his own reign, Muawiya had succeeded in assassinating men of Prophet’s holy family. Muaweya now wanted his son's reign to be secure. Muaweya advised his son Yazid to take care of Husayn as a matter of priority. This is exactly first thing the new King proceeded to do. Yazid instructed Walid, his governor in Medina, to force Husain to pledge allegiance. Husain refused. Grandson of Prophet Muhammed uttered his famous words: "How can someone like me ever accept someone like Yazid." Husayn direct defiance of Yazid made confrontation was inevitable. City of the Prophet was not safe for his grandson. Husayn and his family were insecure. Husayn decided to leave Medina. He went to Mecca, which also he found to be too dangerous. The City of God was unsafe for Husayn. God’s beloved did not have a place to rest his head. People knew he was lamb heading for slaughter. Husayn and his holy family were forced to abandon both Mecca and Medina. Grandson of the Mohammed left the cities of God and His Messenger.
Kufans heard of Husayn his plight. They invited him to their city. Husayn decided to head for Kufa hoping to get refuge there. He sent his representative Muslim bin Akil to Kufa to check the facts in Kufa. However, the governor Ibn Ziyad killed Akil along with his sons. He terrorised the Kufans and forced them to accept Yazid. They could not stand up to ruthless crackdown by Ibn Ziyad.
Husayn had with him members of his family and some loyal friends. He also took with him 20 women and children. Husayn’s disciples numbered 40 men. These people all vowed remain with Husayn during the journey. A few Kufans who escaped Ibn Ziyad also managed to join Husayn’s caravan.
Husayn was travelling with about 100 people across the hot dry desert of Arabia. When his caravan crossed into Iraq, Yazid’s forces ambushed it. Army of 10,000 men under the command of General Omar Ibn Saad stopped Husayn at Karbala. It was second day of Moharram. Husayn realised these soldiers would not let him leave this place alive. He was forced to camp on the desert plain near river Euphrates. The army demanded from Husayn that he recognise Yazid immediately. Husayn asked Ibn Saad to take him to Yazid's. In that palace he could talk to Yazid directly. General refused this request. Husayn then asked to be allowed to leave the kingdom of Yazid. He said I would go into exile in India. This request was also denied. Ibn Saad was under orders to secure pledge of loyalty from Husayn. Therefore, to pressure Husayn, the general decided to cut off the water supply to his camp. He posted 5000 men to prevent Husayn from getting water. Mighty Euphrates was blocked to the grandson of messenger of God. Husayn's family and friends desperately needed water. Children became thirsty. Women also began to worry. Babies cried. Husayn pleaded with the army to grant some water. No water. Husayn was to die thirsty. One the ninth day Husayn gathered his family and prayed with them. He knew well they would not let him live. Husayn told his family that time of sacrifice had come. On the tenth day of Moharram, weak and thirsty, Husayn mounted his white horse and rode to the army. He begged them not to carry out this evil deed of murder. General Ibn Saad did not listen. He gave the order: Kill this little band of rebels against Yazid.
Husayn and his men were butchered one by one by the soldiers of Yazid’s army. His disciples were the first to lay their lives for Husayn. The General then slew Husayn’s sons. He then processed to kill Husayn’s nephews and cousins. These young boys were all massacred on scorching sand of midday sun. Husayn’s brother Abbas was standard-bearer. Abbas had made desperate attempts to get water for his young niece Sakina. He managed to reach the river and took some water. But soldiers cornered him. They cut off his hands and then his arms. Husayn’s back was broken. Abbas was killed in horrible way. Finally, Husayn was left standing alone on the sands of Karbala. He again asked Yazid’s soldiers to consider what they were doing to grandson of the Holy Prophet. The soldiers again demanded Husayn to submit to Yazid. Husayn would rather die free as a lion then in slavery. Ibn Saad gave orders for murder of Husayn. Soldiers stretched their bows and fired. Husayn looked upward to the heavens. It is Karbala not rain. The sky showered arrows upon thirsty Husayn. The Saint fell from his white horse. Who would do the final evil? Ibn Saad wanted a trophy. He sent Shemar. On his knees before God, pierced with arrows, Husayn made final bows. At this point Shemar came and with his knife decapitated Husayn. The holy Saint was slaughtered like a goat at Karbala. Women wailed loud as they watched this butchery from their tents. Their cries echoed across the Iraqi. Screams of Husayn's sister Zaynab and the weeping of his young daughter Sakina were heard by the entire army. General ordered that all women of Husayn's family be bound taken to Yazid. Soldiers burnt the tents and tied up the holy ladies. This was the day of terrible day of Ashura. General ordered his soldiers to run their horses on the bodies of the dead. Saint's body was desecrated along with others who lay on the desert of Karbala. Next day the soldiers left Karbala, carrying 20 human heads on their lances...
The massacre of at Karbala was over. Zaynab knew that Yazid would try to hide the killing of Husayn. Zaynab could not let that happen. Zaynab gathered her strengths. She stood and gave defiant speeches in Iraq and Syria. People were horrified when Zaynab unveiled Yazid. She laid bare Yazid’s evil act. Through her wisdom and remarkable courage, Zaynab succeeded in exposing Yazid. She did not let Husayn’s supreme sacrifice go to waste. She could not save her brother’s life. Instead, Zaynab gave Husayn immortality. Through Zaynab, Husayn would forever remain alive. Zaynab saved Husayn as Husayn had saved the Throne of God. Standing before a tyrant ruler and condemning his actions is the best service to God. Holy daughter of Ali did this. Zaynab’s words provided fuel to the revolution kindled by Husayn. Upon hearing Zaynab, the people began to uprise. They revolted in increasing numbers. Cities rebelled against tyranny. Omayyads tried their best to suppress the population. But they failed. Husayn’s sacrifice at Karbala brought down the corrupt regime. Empire had now become cursed along with its supporters and admirers. Husayn shook the foundations of Omayyas, and his sister brought down the structure tumbling down. Husayn and Zaynab showed how achieve the impossible. Husayn’s had set by example of how to live and die in honour. Zaynab showed what a pious woman is capable of. Husayn’s sacrifice remains the supreme sacrifice in human history. Lovers of Husayn would always threaten dictators. Karbala remains a beacon of light for all who love freedom and justice. Husayn is model for religious and secular people of the world. In any period, following Husayn will people free from slavery. Husayn remains unmatched superhero of the world. His sister Zaynab is heroin of humanity.
Peace be upon Prophet and his children.
For more infomation read:
Husain and Zainab
Killing of Grandson of Mohammed
God had sent many prophets to guide humanity. God sent holy men such as Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammed. Through his messengers, God told us how to live a happy life in this world and get eternal life in Paradise. Mohammed was the last messenger of God. God revealed his own divine book to Mohammed. It is called the Holy Koran. When Mohammed passed away, he asked us all to follow Ali after him. Some men rejected Ali. They took control of the government by force. Ali was the wise saint of God. He did not fight when they took away his legal right.
History books tells us how within fifty years, the new Caliphs had thoroughly corrupted God’s message and teachings of His holy prophet. They stole his daughter’s property, attacked her home, went to war with his true successor, and persecuted the holy family to the ends of the earth. In fact, the ability of a muslim ruler to openly murder the grandson of Mohammed exposes the full scale degradation that had occurred among prophet’s early companions. The sixth ruler Muaweya, of the Omayya tribe, went to war with Ali. He told Yazid to get rid of his son Husayn. Below is a brief account of how Yazid killed Husayn.
Murder of saint Husayn took place on 10th day of the lunar month of Moharram, in the year 680. He was killed near the river Euphrates in Iraq. On one side were supporters and relatives of Husayn, on the other side was a military detachment from the forces of Yazid, the Omayyad King.
The Martyrdom at Karbala is commemorated during an annual ten day period held every Muharram on its tenth day, Ashura.
The sixth Sunni Caliph, Muaweya, died after 40 years of ruthless tyrannical reign. On his deathbed, Muaweya violated democratic traditions of Islam. He appointed his son Yazid as his successor, thus establishing a dynasty. Both were ruthless dictators. They did not care for the innocents. They had everyone whom they disliked killed. Yazid was Hitler of his time, groomed to invade and enslave nations. Yazid was ready to take over the world by force. But he needed legitimacy. Without Husayn’s backing, people would never truly accept Yazid. As to exactly how Muaweya had himself managed to deceive people for forty years, is, of course, another significant historical episode drenched in blood, treachery and betrayal. In any case, Muaweya was now dying. He tried to secure his son’s political survival. Therefore, he pressured religious clerics to pledge allegiance to Yazid. The most significant threat to this dynastic rule was Husayn, son of Ali. Muaweya knew that Husyan’s support was essential, since he was the only living grandson of the prophet Mohammed. In his own reign, Muawiya had succeeded in assassinating men of Prophet’s holy family. Muaweya now wanted his son's reign to be secure. Muaweya advised his son Yazid to take care of Husayn as a matter of priority. This is exactly first thing the new King proceeded to do. Yazid instructed Walid, his governor in Medina, to force Husain to pledge allegiance. Husain refused. Grandson of Prophet Muhammed uttered his famous words: "How can someone like me ever accept someone like Yazid." Husayn direct defiance of Yazid made confrontation was inevitable. City of the Prophet was not safe for his grandson. Husayn and his family were insecure. Husayn decided to leave Medina. He went to Mecca, which also he found to be too dangerous. The City of God was unsafe for Husayn. God’s beloved did not have a place to rest his head. People knew he was lamb heading for slaughter. Husayn and his holy family were forced to abandon both Mecca and Medina. Grandson of the Mohammed left the cities of God and His Messenger.
Kufans heard of Husayn his plight. They invited him to their city. Husayn decided to head for Kufa hoping to get refuge there. He sent his representative Muslim bin Akil to Kufa to check the facts in Kufa. However, the governor Ibn Ziyad killed Akil along with his sons. He terrorised the Kufans and forced them to accept Yazid. They could not stand up to ruthless crackdown by Ibn Ziyad.
Husayn had with him members of his family and some loyal friends. He also took with him 20 women and children. Husayn’s disciples numbered 40 men. These people all vowed remain with Husayn during the journey. A few Kufans who escaped Ibn Ziyad also managed to join Husayn’s caravan.
Husayn was travelling with about 100 people across the hot dry desert of Arabia. When his caravan crossed into Iraq, Yazid’s forces ambushed it. Army of 10,000 men under the command of General Omar Ibn Saad stopped Husayn at Karbala. It was second day of Moharram. Husayn realised these soldiers would not let him leave this place alive. He was forced to camp on the desert plain near river Euphrates. The army demanded from Husayn that he recognise Yazid immediately. Husayn asked Ibn Saad to take him to Yazid's. In that palace he could talk to Yazid directly. General refused this request. Husayn then asked to be allowed to leave the kingdom of Yazid. He said I would go into exile in India. This request was also denied. Ibn Saad was under orders to secure pledge of loyalty from Husayn. Therefore, to pressure Husayn, the general decided to cut off the water supply to his camp. He posted 5000 men to prevent Husayn from getting water. Mighty Euphrates was blocked to the grandson of messenger of God. Husayn's family and friends desperately needed water. Children became thirsty. Women also began to worry. Babies cried. Husayn pleaded with the army to grant some water. No water. Husayn was to die thirsty. One the ninth day Husayn gathered his family and prayed with them. He knew well they would not let him live. Husayn told his family that time of sacrifice had come. On the tenth day of Moharram, weak and thirsty, Husayn mounted his white horse and rode to the army. He begged them not to carry out this evil deed of murder. General Ibn Saad did not listen. He gave the order: Kill this little band of rebels against Yazid.
Husayn and his men were butchered one by one by the soldiers of Yazid’s army. His disciples were the first to lay their lives for Husayn. The General then slew Husayn’s sons. He then processed to kill Husayn’s nephews and cousins. These young boys were all massacred on scorching sand of midday sun. Husayn’s brother Abbas was standard-bearer. Abbas had made desperate attempts to get water for his young niece Sakina. He managed to reach the river and took some water. But soldiers cornered him. They cut off his hands and then his arms. Husayn’s back was broken. Abbas was killed in horrible way. Finally, Husayn was left standing alone on the sands of Karbala. He again asked Yazid’s soldiers to consider what they were doing to grandson of the Holy Prophet. The soldiers again demanded Husayn to submit to Yazid. Husayn would rather die free as a lion then in slavery. Ibn Saad gave orders for murder of Husayn. Soldiers stretched their bows and fired. Husayn looked upward to the heavens. It is Karbala not rain. The sky showered arrows upon thirsty Husayn. The Saint fell from his white horse. Who would do the final evil? Ibn Saad wanted a trophy. He sent Shemar. On his knees before God, pierced with arrows, Husayn made final bows. At this point Shemar came and with his knife decapitated Husayn. The holy Saint was slaughtered like a goat at Karbala. Women wailed loud as they watched this butchery from their tents. Their cries echoed across the Iraqi. Screams of Husayn's sister Zaynab and the weeping of his young daughter Sakina were heard by the entire army. General ordered that all women of Husayn's family be bound taken to Yazid. Soldiers burnt the tents and tied up the holy ladies. This was the day of terrible day of Ashura. General ordered his soldiers to run their horses on the bodies of the dead. Saint's body was desecrated along with others who lay on the desert of Karbala. Next day the soldiers left Karbala, carrying 20 human heads on their lances...
The massacre of at Karbala was over. Zaynab knew that Yazid would try to hide the killing of Husayn. Zaynab could not let that happen. Zaynab gathered her strengths. She stood and gave defiant speeches in Iraq and Syria. People were horrified when Zaynab unveiled Yazid. She laid bare Yazid’s evil act. Through her wisdom and remarkable courage, Zaynab succeeded in exposing Yazid. She did not let Husayn’s supreme sacrifice go to waste. She could not save her brother’s life. Instead, Zaynab gave Husayn immortality. Through Zaynab, Husayn would forever remain alive. Zaynab saved Husayn as Husayn had saved the Throne of God. Standing before a tyrant ruler and condemning his actions is the best service to God. Holy daughter of Ali did this. Zaynab’s words provided fuel to the revolution kindled by Husayn. Upon hearing Zaynab, the people began to uprise. They revolted in increasing numbers. Cities rebelled against tyranny. Omayyads tried their best to suppress the population. But they failed. Husayn’s sacrifice at Karbala brought down the corrupt regime. Empire had now become cursed along with its supporters and admirers. Husayn shook the foundations of Omayyas, and his sister brought down the structure tumbling down. Husayn and Zaynab showed how achieve the impossible. Husayn’s had set by example of how to live and die in honour. Zaynab showed what a pious woman is capable of. Husayn’s sacrifice remains the supreme sacrifice in human history. Lovers of Husayn would always threaten dictators. Karbala remains a beacon of light for all who love freedom and justice. Husayn is model for religious and secular people of the world. In any period, following Husayn will people free from slavery. Husayn remains unmatched superhero of the world. His sister Zaynab is heroin of humanity.
Peace be upon Prophet and his children.
For more infomation read:
Leaflet 8
Public information leaflet 8. [9 June 2011]
There are two forces in the world. Good and evil. We can all see them. We like the good and dislike evil. We like honest people. We hate lies. In battle between good and evil, one such pious man was Husayn. The evil opponent was Yazid.
Husayn lived a quite moral life of piety and goodness. People loved him and he loved them. But when Yazid took over government, life became bad for Husyan. Yazid demanded that Husayn submit to him. Husayn firmly said no. Pious man cannot become slave of a tyrant ruler. Yazid decided to force Husayn into his slavery. He asked his governor to threaten Husayn with death if he did not pledge allegiance to Yazid.
Husayn told his family that their life was now in danger in Medina. He decided to seek refuge in Mecca. People there were too sacred of Yazid to help Husayn. Husayn decided to move to Kufa. People there wrote to him letters promising to let him live in their city. When Yazid heard this, he sent his brutal general to crush the population of Kufa. Kufans were subdued. Husayn had already left Mecca and was heading for Kufa. On the way, the news came to caravan of Husayn that Yazid has massacred sympathisers in Kufa. Husayn told his family and friends that to prepare themselves because time for a great sacrifice is nearing. I lived in truth. It is time to die for truth.
Yazid’s evil forces stopped Husayn’s caravan at Karbala, near Kufa. They challenged Husayn to fight. Husayn had 100 men. They had an army of 10,000 soldiers. Martyrdom was guaranteed. Husayn tried to reason with them to let him go. They refused.
Yazid’s men called Husayn’s men one by one and killed them. First friends of Husayn laied down their lives for truth. Then Husayn family relatives went onto the hot desert sand. They were also butchered like animals. Husain’s son Ali Akbar was 18. he was cut down by swords of Yazid’s army. Husayn’s sister Zainab was with him. She sent her young sons to die for god. They were both slain by evil on the sands of Karbala.
Finally, Husayn went with his baby son in his arm. They fired a small arrow at the child. The arrow went through the baby’s neck. Six month old Ali Asgar died instantly. His mother was watching and wept loudly. Husayn was left alone. Bodies of his kinsmen sons and nephews were all around him. Husyan, the holy saint of God, mounted his white horse Zolgina. As Husayn went forward for to his death, God showered him with blessings, and Yazid’s army showered him with arrows. Husayn’s body was so full of arrows that when he fell off his horse, it did not touch the ground. One soldier of came forward with a knife and slit his throat. He then decapitated Husayn’s head from his body. Pious ladies of Husayn’s family were helplessly crying as they saw this horror committed by evil forces. This day is known as Ashura. We mark this terrible event every year. We honour Husayn and his family for their supreme sacrifice in the way of God.
God bless Husayn and his holy family.
For more information, please email:
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Public information leaflet 8. [9 June 2011]
There are two forces in the world. Good and evil. We can all see them. We like the good and dislike evil. We like honest people. We hate lies. In battle between good and evil, one such pious man was Husayn. The evil opponent was Yazid.
Husayn lived a quite moral life of piety and goodness. People loved him and he loved them. But when Yazid took over government, life became bad for Husyan. Yazid demanded that Husayn submit to him. Husayn firmly said no. Pious man cannot become slave of a tyrant ruler. Yazid decided to force Husayn into his slavery. He asked his governor to threaten Husayn with death if he did not pledge allegiance to Yazid.
Husayn told his family that their life was now in danger in Medina. He decided to seek refuge in Mecca. People there were too sacred of Yazid to help Husayn. Husayn decided to move to Kufa. People there wrote to him letters promising to let him live in their city. When Yazid heard this, he sent his brutal general to crush the population of Kufa. Kufans were subdued. Husayn had already left Mecca and was heading for Kufa. On the way, the news came to caravan of Husayn that Yazid has massacred sympathisers in Kufa. Husayn told his family and friends that to prepare themselves because time for a great sacrifice is nearing. I lived in truth. It is time to die for truth.
Yazid’s evil forces stopped Husayn’s caravan at Karbala, near Kufa. They challenged Husayn to fight. Husayn had 100 men. They had an army of 10,000 soldiers. Martyrdom was guaranteed. Husayn tried to reason with them to let him go. They refused.
Yazid’s men called Husayn’s men one by one and killed them. First friends of Husayn laied down their lives for truth. Then Husayn family relatives went onto the hot desert sand. They were also butchered like animals. Husain’s son Ali Akbar was 18. he was cut down by swords of Yazid’s army. Husayn’s sister Zainab was with him. She sent her young sons to die for god. They were both slain by evil on the sands of Karbala.
Finally, Husayn went with his baby son in his arm. They fired a small arrow at the child. The arrow went through the baby’s neck. Six month old Ali Asgar died instantly. His mother was watching and wept loudly. Husayn was left alone. Bodies of his kinsmen sons and nephews were all around him. Husyan, the holy saint of God, mounted his white horse Zolgina. As Husayn went forward for to his death, God showered him with blessings, and Yazid’s army showered him with arrows. Husayn’s body was so full of arrows that when he fell off his horse, it did not touch the ground. One soldier of came forward with a knife and slit his throat. He then decapitated Husayn’s head from his body. Pious ladies of Husayn’s family were helplessly crying as they saw this horror committed by evil forces. This day is known as Ashura. We mark this terrible event every year. We honour Husayn and his family for their supreme sacrifice in the way of God.
God bless Husayn and his holy family.
For more information, please email:
Also, go to website:
Leaflet 9
Public Information Leaflet 9. [8 June 2012]
Almighty God appointed Muhammad as His Messenger to Humanity. God gave Prophet Muhammad His Holy Throne. He stood and preached the Truth. He Guided Mankind. Peace is on Prophet and his Holy Family.
When the Prophet died, he appointed Ali as his Successor. Ali married Prophet’s daughter Fatima. Some people did not like Ali. They envied Ali. They disobeyed the Prophet during his life. They gave him many problems. Now they opposed Ali. A plan was made to grab the power away from Ali. The plan succeeded. Ali was busy with washing dead body of Prophet and his enemies rushed to chose another leader. Prophet’s orders were thus defied. The Throne of Prophet was stolen.
Tyrants one after another sat upon the Holy Throne. Dictators tried to force Ali to submit. They murdered anyone who loved Prophet and Ali. For example, Moaweya was an enemy of the Prophet. He ruled by suppression and murder. Moaweya planned to turn the public against Ali. He ordered prayer leaders to curse Ali and give him bad name during sermons. Moaweya killed the Allies of Ali. Moweya then assassinated Ali in order to secure his Empire. Moaweya then put the two sons of Ali in his Satanic Sight. Hasan and Husayn were Holy Grandsons of the Prophet. They were the Second and Third Heirs to the Divine Throne. Moaweya had Hasan killed. Before he could kill Husayn, an illness overtook him. On his death bed, Moaweya told his son Yazid to get rid of Husayn.
Yazid, like his father before him, hated the Prophet and his family. When he became King, he demanded recognition from Husayn. Husayn refused to Bow to Yazid. Yazid ordered his governor to kill Husayn. Husayn knew he had to get his family out ofMedina . People of city of Kufa promised to support Husayn. But they betrayed him. Husayn decided to leave the Evil Empire. Husayn wanted to migrate to India .
Husayn took all his family and headed for the border. Husayn could not longer live in Satan's Kingdom. Yazid ordered His General Omar to pursue Husayn's caravan across the hot desert. Yazid's army stopped Husayn atKarbala near the river Euphrates River .
Omar tried to force Husayn to accept Yazid. He cut off the water supply for his family including children. Husayn and his Holy Family was thirsy. They had no access to the River. Husayn did not give up. He was firm on Truth. Husayn did not leave God. Husayn was ready to sacrifice his life for God. Husayn refused to submit to an Evil Ruler. Husayn’s family were also with Husayn. They supported him in his cause of justice and freedom. Husayn said, I will never accept a tyrant as a legitimate ruler; because to side with evil is same as being evil. Husayn and his Family were prepared to suffer and die for God.
Husayn stood before the army of Yazid. He warned them not to do injustice to him and his family. Husayn asked Genral Omar to give some water for his children. The General said no water, not a drop, must be given to Husayn or his children, until Husayn pledges loyalty to Yazid. Husayn again rejected the demand to accept Yazid. General Omar now gave orders for the killing of Husayn.
Husayn had with him only 100 men. General Omar has 10,000 soldiers. Situation was hopeless. Husayn and his men tried to defend themselves but the odds were too high. Slaughter of Prophet’s Holy Family began in thedesert of Karbala . One by one Husayn’s sons, brothers, cousins and nephews were killed. Pious men sacrificed their lives for Divine Husayn.
Husayn and his little baby were left on the battlefield. Husayn held his six month old son in his arms. The baby was crying with thirst. Husayn showed the baby to the army and said them what crime has this child done; will you give him for some water. One soldier fired an arrow at the baby. It pierced the infant’s neck. Husayn was now alone. The army killed Husayn. Husayn’s chest was full of arrows as he fell from his horse. He had sacrificed his life to save humanity from the growing Evil Empire. Omar wanted to take the head of Husayn as trophy to Yazid. Omar ordered soldiers to cut the head from Husayn’s body. They cut his head and also cut heads from 72 other men and children. Omar then ran horses over the bodies of Martyrs. It was day of Ashura, 10th of Moharram, October of year 680. Today, millions of people all over the world mourn the killing of Husayn and his family. God blesses those who honour Husayn and his sacrifice.
Only the ladies in tents survived to massacre. Omar chained the women and forced them to walk to Yazid. Husayn’s pious sister Lady Zaynab stood before Yazid. In his palace, Zaynab gave a defiant speech. She told the people what Yazid had done and what kind of ruler he was. When the public came to know of Zaynab’s words, the Empire of Yazid was shaken. It eventually fell apart. God bless Muhammad and his Family.
For more information:
Public Information Leaflet 9. [8 June 2012]
Almighty God appointed Muhammad as His Messenger to Humanity. God gave Prophet Muhammad His Holy Throne. He stood and preached the Truth. He Guided Mankind. Peace is on Prophet and his Holy Family.
When the Prophet died, he appointed Ali as his Successor. Ali married Prophet’s daughter Fatima. Some people did not like Ali. They envied Ali. They disobeyed the Prophet during his life. They gave him many problems. Now they opposed Ali. A plan was made to grab the power away from Ali. The plan succeeded. Ali was busy with washing dead body of Prophet and his enemies rushed to chose another leader. Prophet’s orders were thus defied. The Throne of Prophet was stolen.
Tyrants one after another sat upon the Holy Throne. Dictators tried to force Ali to submit. They murdered anyone who loved Prophet and Ali. For example, Moaweya was an enemy of the Prophet. He ruled by suppression and murder. Moaweya planned to turn the public against Ali. He ordered prayer leaders to curse Ali and give him bad name during sermons. Moaweya killed the Allies of Ali. Moweya then assassinated Ali in order to secure his Empire. Moaweya then put the two sons of Ali in his Satanic Sight. Hasan and Husayn were Holy Grandsons of the Prophet. They were the Second and Third Heirs to the Divine Throne. Moaweya had Hasan killed. Before he could kill Husayn, an illness overtook him. On his death bed, Moaweya told his son Yazid to get rid of Husayn.
Yazid, like his father before him, hated the Prophet and his family. When he became King, he demanded recognition from Husayn. Husayn refused to Bow to Yazid. Yazid ordered his governor to kill Husayn. Husayn knew he had to get his family out of
Husayn took all his family and headed for the border. Husayn could not longer live in Satan's Kingdom. Yazid ordered His General Omar to pursue Husayn's caravan across the hot desert. Yazid's army stopped Husayn at
Omar tried to force Husayn to accept Yazid. He cut off the water supply for his family including children. Husayn and his Holy Family was thirsy. They had no access to the River. Husayn did not give up. He was firm on Truth. Husayn did not leave God. Husayn was ready to sacrifice his life for God. Husayn refused to submit to an Evil Ruler. Husayn’s family were also with Husayn. They supported him in his cause of justice and freedom. Husayn said, I will never accept a tyrant as a legitimate ruler; because to side with evil is same as being evil. Husayn and his Family were prepared to suffer and die for God.
Husayn stood before the army of Yazid. He warned them not to do injustice to him and his family. Husayn asked Genral Omar to give some water for his children. The General said no water, not a drop, must be given to Husayn or his children, until Husayn pledges loyalty to Yazid. Husayn again rejected the demand to accept Yazid. General Omar now gave orders for the killing of Husayn.
Husayn had with him only 100 men. General Omar has 10,000 soldiers. Situation was hopeless. Husayn and his men tried to defend themselves but the odds were too high. Slaughter of Prophet’s Holy Family began in the
Husayn and his little baby were left on the battlefield. Husayn held his six month old son in his arms. The baby was crying with thirst. Husayn showed the baby to the army and said them what crime has this child done; will you give him for some water. One soldier fired an arrow at the baby. It pierced the infant’s neck. Husayn was now alone. The army killed Husayn. Husayn’s chest was full of arrows as he fell from his horse. He had sacrificed his life to save humanity from the growing Evil Empire. Omar wanted to take the head of Husayn as trophy to Yazid. Omar ordered soldiers to cut the head from Husayn’s body. They cut his head and also cut heads from 72 other men and children. Omar then ran horses over the bodies of Martyrs. It was day of Ashura, 10th of Moharram, October of year 680. Today, millions of people all over the world mourn the killing of Husayn and his family. God blesses those who honour Husayn and his sacrifice.
Only the ladies in tents survived to massacre. Omar chained the women and forced them to walk to Yazid. Husayn’s pious sister Lady Zaynab stood before Yazid. In his palace, Zaynab gave a defiant speech. She told the people what Yazid had done and what kind of ruler he was. When the public came to know of Zaynab’s words, the Empire of Yazid was shaken. It eventually fell apart. God bless Muhammad and his Family.
For more information:
Leaflet 10
Public Information Leaflet 10. [3 July 2012]
God, His Message, and His Guides
This leaflet explain the day of mourning which we are marking as part of our religion. We Shia Muslims believe in One God, and, we accept His Message, and, we obey the Guides to show us the true way.
God appointed Mohammad as the Prophet, and He appointed Ali as the Imam.
God appointed Mohammad as the Prophet, and He appointed Ali as the Imam.
The Prophet was sent to deliver the Divine Code to mankind. He also set a practical example of behaviour on how to implementing the Will of God in your lives. The Imam was chosen to Guide humanity towards truth and happiness. Imam also explained to people the details of the Ultimate Law that govern the Universe. He was there to lead the people out of Darkness if they so wish to enter the Light.
Only a few people loved God. They did not like the Divine Plan. Therefore, a small number of people accepted the Message which was delivered by the Prophet. Also, only a few good people had followed the Pure Way of the Imam. They made up their own ways and followed their own desires. They believed in false knowledge given to them.
Most people only pretended to listen to Mohammad. They were not serious about Guidance shown by Ali. Some of them hated the Prophet and the Imam. When they saw Prophet succeed in controlling Arabia , they became greedy and selfish. They planned to take power away from the Prophet. They rejected the Imam and chose their own leaders.
When Prophet died, they left his body and took control of leadership. The Holy Throne was stolen. These people persecuted the family of the Prophet. They tied the Imam with rope and forced him to recognise their rulers. They suppressed the true followers of Ali. After grabbing the seat of Mohammad, they became rich and powerful. Ali was eventually killed. Ali has two sons, Hasan and Husayn. Hasan was also assassinated. Husayn was asked to accept Yazid.
When Prophet died, they left his body and took control of leadership. The Holy Throne was stolen. These people persecuted the family of the Prophet. They tied the Imam with rope and forced him to recognise their rulers. They suppressed the true followers of Ali. After grabbing the seat of Mohammad, they became rich and powerful. Ali was eventually killed. Ali has two sons, Hasan and Husayn. Hasan was also assassinated. Husayn was asked to accept Yazid.
When an evil king Yazid came to power, he tried to force the son of Ali, Husayn, to submit to his rule. Husayn refused to accept Yazid as his leader. Husayn's life was made difficult by Yazid. Husayn decided to leave his home in Medina, and escape to India . Yazid gave order to his army to capture Husayn. Husayn took with him his family and friends. The holy caravan was moving across the desert. It was ambushed by Yazid’s army. Place was called Karbala. It is in Iraq, near the River Euphrates.
Husayn had no chance against the Army. Husayn had 120 men and Yazid's army had 10,000 soldiers. Soldiers first cut off the water supply from the river. Then one by one the killing began. First they slaughtered his 18 year old son Ali Akbar. Then they killed his young nephews, Oun and Mohamed. Soldiers continued to finish relatives of Husayn. Husayn's brother Abbas was held by the soldiers, and both his arms were cut. After that they murdered one by one the friends who had followed Husayn. In the camp, Husayn had a 6 month old son Ali Asgar. Husayn held high his baby in his arms. He pleaded to soldiers for some water for the child. One soldiers fired an arrow. It went through the neck of the baby. The infant was pinned to his father's arm. The mothers cried loudly as they watch the horrible scene taking place before their eyes. The women would not do anything to save their relatives from Yazid's army. Finally, Husayn was attacked. He fell from his horse. His body was full of arrows. Soldiers came with their swords and knives towards the fallen hero. They all fell upon him. Husayn was butchered. Then his head was cut off from the body and placed of a spear. Soldiers simliarly cut the heads from other bodies so they could take them to Yazid as trophies. Before leaving Karbala, the soldiers ran their horses over the dead bodies as a final act of desecration.
This massacre took place on 10th of Muharram (10 October 680). , known as day of Ashura.
Imam Husayn gave his life but did not accept an evil ruler. He said, "it is better to die with honour then to live in shame." Husayn lived and died for Truth and Freedom. He sacrificed his life to save humanity from Darkness and Evil. Husayn loved God. God gives Eternal Life to the Martyrs. Followers of this Holy Family remember the day every year. They mourn the suffering inflicted on the innocent Imam and his family.
This massacre took place on 10th of Muharram (10 October 680). , known as day of Ashura.
Imam Husayn gave his life but did not accept an evil ruler. He said, "it is better to die with honour then to live in shame." Husayn lived and died for Truth and Freedom. He sacrificed his life to save humanity from Darkness and Evil. Husayn loved God. God gives Eternal Life to the Martyrs. Followers of this Holy Family remember the day every year. They mourn the suffering inflicted on the innocent Imam and his family.
God bless Husayn and his family.
For more information:
Islam Leaflet 1
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Have you found happiness yet? Here is a easy way to get it. You might say to yourself my life is not nice. It’s a miserable situation. Life is hard. If yours is very difficult then God is the only solution. If you don’t go to Him, things will get worse. Who else can give you happiness? False scientists and devious politicians have failed to help you. What have they done to solve your biggest problems such as love, health, wealth, and peace of mind? Think about your past and future.
I invite you to think seriously for a moment. There has got to be more to life than work, eat and sleep. This can’t be it. God has got to exist. Otherwise there is no point to it all. It would be all meaningless. But you ask me, how one can be sure about God.
Well, first you have to admit that truth must exist. There has to be answers to big questions. There must be a way to achieve lasting happiness. To get these answers, you need to seek them sincerely and seriously. No time wasting. You need to be completely honest.
If you lie, or, if you get distracted by liars, then you will not find the truth. Truth does not like any falsehood to come near it. Would you let dirty muddy shoes into your clean room?
God is Pure and Beautiful. Nothing evil, ugly, or impure comes near God. He is Holy. Only those who are intellectually honest, and pure of heart, may find Him. Remember, God is the Supreme Creator of everything. He caused the Big Bang, and He started the Universe. He is all powerful, all knowing, and all good. If you truly desire Him, sincerely strive to know Him, and genuinely ask Him for help, then wait and see what He gives you, and see how he provides you with answers and assistance.
Science and reason point us to such a Supreme God. Just look around you. There is a vast Universe. It is working perfectly. There are laws which are running the planets, the stars, and the galaxies. Where did all this come from? Who set the laws? Things don’t happen for without a reason; and universe does not come into existence from nothing. Even scientists admit that every effect must have a cause behind it. Therefore, there has to be some Originator behind everything that you can see. There has to be some supreme force that designed the universe and its laws. That’s just basic science. You don’t have to be rocket scientists to work that out.
Choice is clear, and it is yours to make. Decision is personal. No one can make it but you. Go for God, or stay where you are. It’s up to you.
End is near. Death is coming. You cannot escape the inevitable. It will happen. You know it. Your soul was breathed into you when you were in your mother’s womb. Then you were born but friends and family made you confused and dirtied your soul. You have to clean yourself a bit to get in with God. Rest of your cleansing He will do Himself. Your souls will soon leave your body and return to its Maker. Then accounts will be held for all what you had done in this life. Why live in doubt and depression. Why not have God as your friend. What a friend. But friendship does not come cheap. He is God after all. You have to want Him badly. He will then come to you. Try Him.
23 October 2012
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Islam Leaflet 2
God and His Law
There exists a God, and He has set a Supreme Law. This Law governs the entire Universe. Science is proper study of this Law. Violation of the Law is not permitted. This Law is also recommended for a happy human life. God has given humans free will to think and decide whether they will abide by His Law or live according to some other law of their own.
God is called Allah. And, God’s Law for the Universe is called Submission, or in Arabic, Al Islam -The Serving. Peace and harmony is at attained only in being within the Law. Aberration from the Law is not allowed. Any violation of the Supreme Law results in failure and destruction. Small deviation of Science is catastrophic. Little amount of lying leads to evil consequences.
Therefore, only a life which is in service to God is a happy life. Living a life away from God’s Supreme Law is an unhappy life. Satisfying your desires according to God's Law leads to true happiness. God states that living according to your own desires, and according to your own whims, will eventually end in failure and misery. Success without God’s Law is not possible. The Law makes it impossible to be successful outside it.
This Supreme Law is found in the text of the Book of God called the Quran. It is also found is the practical example set in the way of life of Prophet Muhammad. God bless him and his family. To know the full Law, it is necessary to make a detailed study of Quran, and be aware of life of Muhammad.
Islam Leaflet 3
Happy Life in Marriage
Islam is a family oriented ideology. It emphasises marriage. It encourages living among the nearest of kin. In the Holy Quran, which is God’s Book, kindness to parents and relatives is commanded. Muslims children respect their mother and father, and take care of them in their old age.
Basics of Islam are helping the poor and the needy, standing by the oppressed, living according to God's Will.
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