
Leaflet 4



God is the Creator of the Universe; and Mohammed is His messenger. Husain is the holy grandson of Prophet Mohammed. Like Jesus, Husain is pure, sinless and perfect. He was killed in year 680 because he stood for liberty and justice. Today, we mark his death.

Husain had refused to accept Yazid who was an evil king. Yazid demanded Husain to recognise him. Husain said: A man like me can never accept a man like you. Yazid then threatened him. Husain said: I would rather die as a free man than live as a slave. Husain then called his family and prepared them to leave Yazid’s empire. But Husain and his caravan was stopped at Karbala. They were deprived of water. Then Yazid’s soldiers started to kill them one by one. Husain’s sons and nephews were brutally killed in front of him. His friends and followers were also massacred. Husain was given one last chance to submit to Yazid. He said: I will not bow to tyranny. One day I will face God. Husain then made a final prayer to God thanking Him an opportunity to die in His cause. Husain was brutally murdered. Soldiers slaughtered Husain like a goat. Women cried loudly as they watched this horrible scene on the day of Ashura. They were taken as prisoners and dragged to Yazid’s palace.

This sacrifice of Husain is remembered every year. People march on every town and city across the world. Men and women mourn the death of Husain. He said: Honourable death is better than life of disgrace. He taught us to live free and stand for justice.
Husain's motto was: Even if you have no religion, live free.

Yazid’s rule of terror was destroyed by the Husaini revolution. Husain stopped the army of darkness with his blood. Yazid and his Umayyad Dynasty were set to take over and enslave Europe. World owes great debt to Husain. Peace be upon Husain. God bless him forever.

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