
Holy Day of Ghadir

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Today's date for the Shias is 18-12-1429; and,
for the Christians it is 17-12-2008.

It is the most wonderful day for humanity.

Believers rejoice where ever they are. They delight at God's Infinite Bounty for them.

Today, God Blessed His Believers and Perfected for them their way of life.

Today, God offered mankind Glory and Success.

On the desert plain of Al Ghadir, near Mecca in Arabia,
God Almighty ordered that His chosen Saint be revealed to the whole world.

Imam Ali stood and God's Prophet took his Sacred Hand and held it high so that people can see.

"This is your Master and Leader for all Eternity"

One by one they all came and kissed his Divine Hands.
Some with their heart, others with their mouths.

God has Blessed Ali and all those who love him.

This is Supreme Promise.

by Saklayn [2008]

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