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We all want to be happy. No man or woman likes to live in misery and doubt.

Therefore, the important questions for every thinking person are:

What is salvation, and where to find it.

Each religion has its own concept of what is salvation.

Each religion also tells how to find salvation.

According to the Shia Faith, salvation means closeness to God. This brings complete peace of mind, living a life of honour, and securing Eternal life after death. This is true success and happiness.

Where can we find these things:

Shias believe that salvation is found in loving God and those whom He loves.

Love is the path, and eternal life is the destination.

That, in short, is the whole of Shia Faith.

If you love God and his perfect people, then you are
successful in this life and in the next. You will be truly happy.

Saklayn [2009]

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