
Truth Location



By Saklayn

The Business

Truth is a serious business.
Get it wrong, and you are in error. Get it right, and you are in light.

The Setup

But what is truth, and where is it.

Is it in a book. Is it in a location. Is it with a person.

Therefore, important questions to ask are:

Do I want truth.
Where is the truth.
How do we get it.

Without these questions, you cannot move forward.

The Planning

The other important question, what is Truth, is the final question. That is a goal, to know the truth. No one can know what truth is except those who get it. And it seems that only ones who get it are those who seeks it.

If you are not interested in the truth, you will not ask those serious initial questions. You will then ask what is the truth. You will first want to know what truth is. You will want to get a thing without going to get it. Its like asking your father who has seen the moon to show you the moon without you going outside to see it. He cannot show you the moon on your bed. He can only describe it. So when you ask what is the moon. He can only say. Moon is the moon. Its round, white, nice, glowing, and so on. To know the moon you need to see it for yourself. Moon is the moon. Truth is the truth. Truth is describes as: Clear. Easy. Complete. Beautiful. Powerful. Good. Perfect. Divine. To know the truth you need to see it for yourself. You will know it as soon as you see it. There is no mistaking it.

The Success

Where is the truth?

God certainly has the truth. He knows what it is. We can get it if He gives it to us, or lets us have access to it. If it is with God only, then we need to ask Him, and wait for it to arrive. If God has transferred truth to other things then we need to find them and seek them out. If truth is located in a place, then we need to go there. If it is in a book, then we need to read it. If it is with a woman, we need to know about her, and find her, and ask her. 

Holy Men if sent by God would have the truth, or would know its location. They can guide you to it. Man who has the truth is a special man. He is important. 

The Damage

A person has to male a clear claim, who he is, what is his purpose, what will believers get, and what will happen to his rejecters. No wishy washy statements that do not remove doubts. No ambiguous, vague statements. No whims. Just clear truths in plain easy English for everyone to understand exactly where he stands and where they stand.

2 October 2012.


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