
Terror Origins


Origins of Today’s Terrorists

Since 1950, the extremists among muslims want to kill non-muslims in the West. They plan to force the west to submit to their views. In reliaty they are terrorists. They are ignorant of the true teachings of Islam. The cause of their extremism and terrorism lies a thousand years ago in the days after the death of the Holy Prophet Muhamad.

Prophet Muhammad was chosen by God to be His messenger to humanity. He was born in 570. When he grew up, he married a pious widow named Khadija. She was a noble woman of Mecca. At the age of 40, Angel Gabriel appeared to Muhammad while he was meditating in a cave. Angel said God wants you reform your society and teach the world the truth about their Creator and what He wants from them. Muhammad received revelations from the Angel and began his work. Muhammad and his cause were aided by sincere men such as Abu Talib, Ali, Khadija, Salman, Amar, and many others.

Muhammad began teaching that there exists only one true God, and that there is life after death. There will be judgement day after you die. You will be held to account for your actions. Prophet condemned idolatry, murder, greed, oppression. He banned alcohol as root of all evil. Also forbidden were gambling and charging interests on money. Sex outside marriage was outlawed. Marriage and family life were loved by God. These were natural and common sense laws that God gave to humanity through Muhammad. The Prophet received these teachings in form of a book. The holy Quran was a perfect book which the Angel brought down from the very Throne of God.

Some extremists infiltrated the followers of the Prophet. These people included Muawiya, Khalid, Umar, Abu Bakr, Abu Sufyan, These hypocrites pretended to believe in the Prophet. But their evil actions show their disbelief and extremism. These men were hungry for power and wealth. When Prophet Muhammad died in 632, these extremists took control of Medina by plotting a coup. People were outraged. They refused to recognise the tyrants. But new rulers moved ruthlessly. They brutally suppressed any protests. Thousands of innocent people were slaughtered.

These dictators are taken as role models by today’s terrorists. Bin Laden loves Muawiya. Al Qaeda loves Khalid. Actions of Abu Bakr and Umar are considered acceptable by extremist ideological groups. For a hundred years, these men use violence to keep power in their hands. They persecuted family of the Prophet. They forced Ali to vote when he did not want to take part in politics. His grandson Husayn was butchered in Karbala. Home of his Prophet's daughter Fatima was burnt. The moderate muslims were killed. History shows the brutality of these terrorist leaders. Today’s extremists among the Wahhabis and Salafis follow the examples of those leaders of the past.

30 June 2012.


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